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Getting certified?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Morkul
    I know. I have been training for that long, but I want to make it official, so to speak. Besides, I know I need a alot of refreshing.
    No offense, I don't study MT but what are you asking??? You study for 10 years in your house, no formal training AND you need a lot of "refreshing"....What do you want a MT certification for to Brag or teach. If it's to brag well I think the answer is no little of MAs. To teach, well my friend you are obviously not qualified and would do a disservice to your students. This is the very reason the quality of MAs are on the decline. If you are sooooo busy what is the point!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Damian I feel your pain


    • #17
      [QUOTE=IPON]No offense, I don't study MT but what are you asking??? You study for 10 years in your house, no formal training AND you need a lot of "refreshing"....What do you want a MT certification for to Brag or teach. If it's to brag well I think the answer is no little of MAs. To teach, well my friend you are obviously not qualified and would do a disservice to your students. This is the very reason the quality of MAs are on the decline. If you are sooooo busy what is the point!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Man, if I knew this was going to turn into a shitfest, I would have never have brought it up. I studied Muay-Thai from 94-96 with Guru Steve Braun out of capitol area training systems. Along with other arts such as; the JKD concepts,Harimau,Mande Muda Silat, Escrima Kali etc, etc..I have attended many seminars of Ajarn Chai's and Guru Dans. All I was asking is, is there a certification process to go through to become able to teach Muay-Thai? Not to brag or show-off you numbnuts. Jesus fuckin christ is that so fuckin hard to understand? When I said refreshing, I ment, I want to start becoming serious about it again, so I need to be up-to-date on what as changed, that's all. No, I have not been studying out of my house, in front of the tv or whatever. On the contrary, I take my training very seriously and am looking to get a MT group going here in Tucson. So that other people may learn this beautiful fighting art. If I have not made myself clear now, you all seriously need to think of your intellegience levels.?


      • #18
        Originally posted by IPON
        I take my training very seriously and am looking to get a MT group going here in Tucson.

        You said you have not been studying by yourself, and yet you are "looking to get a MT group going"? Which is it champ?


        • #19
          Once again. For answer,see my last sentence.


          • #20
            Is that the one about you being full of shit?


            • #21
              Morkul, I was being serious, if you cant go the route I suggested that is understandable. Thought you were some young dude wanting to be "certified".

              At the TBA school I trained at, being a certified instructor was a minimum 3 year process of committed regular training. Meaning you have to go to the school and train.

              Dont be so defensive, it just encourages people to give you a hard time.

              Damian Mavis
              Honour TKD


              • #22
                Master Toddy in Las Vegas will certify you as an assistant instructor for about 5000 dollars in one weekā€™s time. For full certification I am not sure how many session but unless you train at his facility full time it will cost about 10,000 dollars in all. I have trained with Toddy and he is a very good instructor but for the money he asks for certification, forget it.

                DM was right go to Thailand and train and fight, and fight a lot, or just do it like most folks go to a MT gym and train, Fight when you can, until your ready to teach. This may take 5 years, it may take 15 years but their arenā€™t any real shortcuts, nor should there be.

                And stop being so sensitive.


                • #23
                  Thank you Damien and Dariannation.


                  • #24
                    i would suggest to train with either master toddy (las vegas) or vladimir borodine (new york) to work for your kru certification.
                    see also the kru muaythai association - although their listing is not complete yet.
                    how long have you trained - and to what level of proficiency?


                    • #25
                      sorry, i hit the 'post reply' button before the end of the message...
                      part of the choice of where to train depends on what you want to teach: are you planning to open a sport muay thai school, where you train fighters? or are you planning to open a muay boran school (or muay khard chiek) where you teach bare knuckles traditional (ancient) muay thai - with no sport purpose?
                      if you plan to prepare fighters for the ring (sport) then grand master toddy would be the best choice. i know the price he asks is really high - but it will be worth it.
                      if you want to teach traditional muay boran, then i would suggest that you train with grand master woody - he is currently in england. in europe there are also a few arjarn that teach muay boran, like marco de cesaris and kevin lloyd, and kru ralf kussler.
                      here in the us there are few groups teaching muay boran. vladimir borodine is teaching both the sport muay thai and traditional muay boran. he is a very good trainer.
                      hope this helps.


                      • #26
                        $5,000-$10,000 for certification from Master Toddy?

                        Thats ridiculous, regardless of how good he may be, testing should be about your skills not your wallet. How can you fail someone who has just paid you 5 grand anyways??


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Morkul
                          I studied Muay-Thai from 94-96 with Guru Steve Braun out of capitol area training systems. Along with other arts such as; the JKD concepts,Harimau,Mande Muda Silat, Escrima Kali etc, etc..

                          I assume this is one of Inosanto lineage

                          Originally posted by Morkul
                          If I have not made myself clear now, you all seriously need to think of your intellegience levels.?
                          Look I did not insult and I stated "no offense intended", but I meant what I said. You have studied formally for no more that 2 yrears....where is the other 8 yrs of training ( in a gym or at home). I am not saying the you cannot fight, but the point was teaching. With two years of training 8 years ago YOU should not think you are qualified to teach and take people's money. If you are just forming a club or group, you don't pass yourself as a master and you don't ask for money that is different. Your original question sounded like "hey where can I get certified so I can teach and make moneyā€¯. When you say go away to be certified it sounds like you mean you will travel to another state for a weekend seminar to get certified.

                          Could I have misinterpreted, possibly. But if you care about MAs as you say, you should be able to respect the point I am making and not be defensive. Someone that has studied for "10 yrs" but tneeds "refreshing" and does not know how/where to obtain certification in there respective style should be a red flag to anyone.

                          My $.25


                          • #28
                            Regardless of how long you have trained, probably the most commonly recognized certification for Muay Thai in in the US is the TBA. (anyone disagree?) You need to go to some seminars with Ajarn Chai. He is a great instructor, and a nice guy. I myself have trained with him for 9 years, and I havn't taken my instructor's test yet. I was scheduled to, and then became injured.

                            The real question about certification is why? I personally would like certified to honor those who taught me, and to honor Ajarn Chai. Other than that, I see no real point to it. While it does give you recognition from other TBA members, there isn't a law or organization dictating that you need to be certified to teach Muay Thai. These people are quite correct that all that matters are the results. For me, at this point, I may or may not take the test. I really only worry that I can't afford another 1000+$ dental bill.


                            • #29

                              well. this is certainly a colorful thread. you folks sure seem to take yourselves seriously. real seriously.

                              his question was "where to get certified". his question was not "do you think i'm ready to get certified".

                              in principle, if you want to really KNOW what you are doing, go to thailand, train and fight (fights add up quick over there).

                              if you are able to train where you are, do what you can there and spent a month or two each year in thailand (many camps charge 1500 us dollars for one month including private room and bathroom and 3 meals daily).

                              if this is not an option, attend every seminar you can. toddy, chai, vut. when you strip away everything these folks think about your post and just stick to the facts, they gave some good advice.

                              remember, when you are asking a question here or commenting here, the others take a personal interest. they are here because they wish to be. they have opinions because they wish to. many will have strong feelings about a subject because they believe you do.

                              based on your post, it is entirely concievable you will try to open a school. this SEEMS to be your intent. however, based on your post, it is debatable whether or not you are able. this is a valid concern. if in fact you are unqualified, you could not reasonably expect others to take that lightly.

                              "we have proof a useless nutbar is gonna open a school. COOL!!!!!"

                              not likely. if this is not the case, don't sweat it.

                              one would be well served by remembering that noone "owes" anyone an answer of any kind. the beauty of the forums is that you can say what you like about that which you like.

                              when posting, just hang on, yell WAAAHOOOOO and go with it. it can get pretty wild in these spaces.



                              • #30
                                Interesting thread.

                                I have not been on the foruma in a while and happened to notice it. I just returned from Iraq. I luckily came up against 3 Thai fighters who described their disgust for the American certification of Muay Thai. I agreed with them. I admire your wanting to certify but Muay Thai in my eyes is about oneself. If noone knows you are capable then you have your best weapon, anonymity. If you are looking to teach let your fights speak for you and certification mau find you.

