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Love hurts.

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  • Love hurts.

    They tell me I got knocked flat out Thursday night. I'll just have to take their word for it, because I don't even remember walking to the ring - or eating at the retaurant afterward, or going home.

    My face hurts though, also my brain seems to be even slower than usual.

    Pardon my exhibitionism - just though I'd share.

  • #2
    Originally posted by gregimotis
    They tell me I got knocked flat out Thursday night. I'll just have to take their word for it, because I don't even remember walking to the ring - or eating at the retaurant afterward, or going home.

    My face hurts though, also my brain seems to be even slower than usual.

    Pardon my exhibitionism - just though I'd share.
    That could happen to the best of us at any time. I've got incredible respect for you for gettin' in there.

    Keep your head up (and hopefully clear ). God Bless!

    *Edit: By the way, when I had a concussion, I had the same symptoms as you -- if you haven't gotten that checked out separate from the doctor who I'm sure was at the fight, you definitely should.


    • #3
      Yeah, it's different for different people. I've honestly never been knocked out, though I've been hit hard enough for some nerve damage, I guess I'm just hard headed. I had a hell of a concussion from a throw once, and the memory is fuzzy, but still there. Snatches of time. I've heard this story from other fighters though, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just get a check-up.


      • #4

        been there what kind of fight was it? mt? mma? box?


        • #5
          not been ko'd yet (more by luck than judgement) but took a standing 8 once. The ref was tellin me to put mehands up (meanin now so the match could continue) i thought he was just offerin advice, kept smilin and saying yes. ha

          Never mind mate, glad ya can laugh about it (you seem to be)


          • #6
            its all good. never got hurt in the ring, but my student(?) knocked the shit out of me a couple of months ago and wobbled my leg. boy i was pissed off when i could see again


            • #7
              I've been KOd on one occassion, but I think it was more of a standing KO. I got hit by a slugger and saw a big pretty purple flash (like one of those kaladeiscopes) and my legs gave out; I tried really hard to keep standing even though I was tumbling over. I got hit again and it woke me up .

              Other than that, haven't been KOd.

