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TKD beats Muay Thai!!, no kidding- video clip

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  • #76
    just an immature kid not worth your time.


    • #77
      Originally posted by HuSanYan
      just ridiculous, personally I don't think the MT guy is an MT guy at all, something strange going on here but the TKD guy does throw some smooth kicks to be honest

      link to clip is here (wmv format)
      and, just in case of crap, I am NOT a tkd fan
      i cant see the clip for some reason


      • #78
        Originally posted by phantom
        i cant see the clip for some reason


        • #79
          me either?? link bad or something???


          • #80
            I started this thread with that link a long time ago, i guess the place where the original was kept has moved or changed url by now, shame because this clip was a good one.
            I can search my HD to see if I downloaded this clip if any one wants me to.


            • #81
              yes please HuSanYan

              i`d like to see it!!!


              • #82
                yes please really wanna see this


                • #83
                  sorry guys, I do not have this one on my pc, I must have relied on the link at the time


                  • #84
                    it's a conspiracy I tell you.


                    • #85
                      i agree lonehusky!!!
                      it never happened!!!

                      HuSanyUN lied about it all!!!!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Gunza Kicka
                        i agree lonehusky!!!
                        it never happened!!!

                        HuSanyUN lied about it all!!!!

                        word lika mofo.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Useless
                          Nice clip, although totally useless.

                          You can pull some guy off the street and dress him in Muay Thai gear or any other gear, and make him fight a representative of "another" Martial Art.

                          That "Muay Thai"- guy was totally useless. Bah! says I...

                          In this clip the tables have turned...

                          The TKD guy in this makes me laugh...he hasn't got the slightest bloody clue, he just keeps backing away and only attacking when he's on the edge of the ring.... A disgrace to TKD.

                          Originally posted by Thai Bri
                          As for TKD versus Thai Boxing? Well, only a twat would think that classes involving Kata, air punching, ballet like kicks and flicky semi contact sparring could take on people who hit bags all day and then spar full contac with fists, elbows, knees and low kicks.

                          It really isn't rocket science.
                          You poor must have seen some awful TKD dojangs if this is what you think we do. Also I do so love it when people cannot grasp WHY some MA's practice Kata and point sparring. But to give you some credit most dojangs in America (i'm guessing this is where you live) practice Olympic style WTF TKD....badly and give the rest of us a bad name.


                          • #88
                            There's nothign wrong with WTF.

                            By that you're implying all South Koreans who do TKD can't fight. That isn't true because there's a lot of good Korean fighters who do South Korean TKD.

                            South Korean military (pretty badass) uses TKD - WTF too.

                            Some of the greatest grandmasters are WTF, South Korean TKD.


                            • #89
                              The original link is dead. Can someone please repost?


                              • #90
                                I'm not saying WTF is a bad style, its just that the majority of schools in America teach it badly. And I'm not implying that S.Koreans can't fight (that would just be batsh*t bloody loco) just this disgrace in the video Useless posted.

