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TKD beats Muay Thai!!, no kidding- video clip

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  • #16
    the rules could have been toned down from muay thai ring rules as well. thats what I think I didnt see any knees elbows actuly all I seen him do ws an inside leg kick


    • #17
      good post Mike and well said, I am inclined to agree, I have watched it some more and frankly, the MT guy didnt get a chance to do anything, the tkd guy was all over him plain and simple.
      Mike, unlike yourself, it seems as so many practitioners of any given style, in this case MT, 'brainwash' themselves (for lack of a better desription) into thining that their style is the best.
      This video clip shoves it up the ass of those who believe that their style is unbeatable.
      In this case TKD rules the fucking roost.

      HuSanYan brings the Muay Thai community to its knees after showing them a TKD guy whooping their ass


      • #18
        I am sure you put it more sensibly and more accurate than my dumb old self Mike

        fully agreed btw


        • #19

          I dont know what the rules were in this fight but if there were no knees no elbows limited kicks than he beat a kickboxer not a thaiboxer.What were the rules because your right the guy got his ass kicked it looked pretty miss matched anyway


          • #20
            I dissagree a out the brainw washing also I have no problem with someone of a nother style kicking my ass if he is the better man he is the better man but if you pair up two styles and limit what one style is allowed to use than if you say no knees for example maybe his specialty was knees than you have taken away his hole game.I know most thai fights ive seen wen the guy gets on inside fighting range you throw knees,elbows go into the clinch whatever but if the rules were open then the guy sucked but I dont believe this to be true


            • #21
              Originally posted by thaibxr
              the rules could have been toned down from muay thai ring rules as well.

              He was allowed to move...allowed to block, no? If the situation were reversed these questions would not be asked. The reality that TKD can have effectiveness if studied correctly seems a little difficult for people to stomch for some reason.

              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              Fact is, the guy may have been a Tae Kwon Do white belt in Thai boxing trunks for all we know. It's still not about this style or that style. It's about two guys who agreed to get in the ring and fight, and one guy winning. Did the guy look like a thai boxer?
              Mike I tend to agree with the spirit of your post and it is not important why these victories occur or which style is better. However, this MT guy was clearly beat with TKD tecniques.

              Develop your potential in the style of your choosing, but anyone can be beat.


              • #22
                this isnt about styles really for me I dont give a shit really im just saying most times the rules are limited for thai fighters against other styles. Being allowed to move and block sure but if you jump in the air kick me twice and I dont fall down youre going to get knees or elbows and when youre on youre way out away from those shots ill kick you in the head he did nothing thats why I think he was inexperienced or he was limited in his weapons. but say what you want for tkd because even the sun shines on a dogs ass once and a while


                • #23
                  thaibxr, the rules were that they were allowed everything that each style allows, the reason the thai boxer didnt do any knees is simple, he was too busy getting slaughtered. Those kicks by the tkd guy were hurting and draining the thai of energy. Plain and simple, no one took his knees or elbows away and no one gave his arms and legs any botox either.

                  Lets remember something else, i have trained in mT aswell and there are plenty of weaknesses, particularly the rigid upright stance, which has led me to seriously train in western boxing where the movement is far better, especially head movement, foot work etc.. the tkd guy would have had a much harder time landing any of those superb kicks on a western boxers head.

                  the thai boxer was punch drunk from those kicks and got his ass handed to him.
                  i have noticed over the years that the muayThai crowd can be stupid about their art. If a boxer got those kicks he would say, wow, that guy beat me with those great kicks, where as the mT guy would moan like a twat with things like, yeah but the rules werent quite right, I would have killed him with my knees & elbows and so on and so on.

                  In real life, an old friend of mine plays Rugby very keenly, he used to do a lot of TKD, a year ago he was getting a late night take away with his girl and some thugs started mouthing and getting out of hand, he beat 3 of them using tKD only.
                  Outside of the ring, a MT guy would probably have had his nuts kicked by these guys because of the slightly dumb, for ring only stance.

                  I have a great video of a Wing chun guy TKO'ing a Muay thai guy under full thai rules in Lumpini stadium. When I find it I will post it in a new fabulous thread, i also have a video of a different Kung fu guy beating a vacant looking MT fella and he actually side kicks the mt guy clean over the ropes and into the crowd, using his Chi

                  A few more of these and MT will be a thing of the past


                  • #24
                    In real life, an old friend of mine plays Rugby very keenly, he used to do a lot of TKD, a year ago he was getting a late night take away with his girl and some thugs started mouthing and getting out of hand, he beat 3 of them using tKD only.
                    Outside of the ring, a MT guy would probably have had his nuts kicked by these guys because of the slightly dumb, for ring only stance.

                    I have a great video of a Wing chun guy TKO'ing a Muay thai guy under full thai rules in Lumpini stadium. When I find it I will post it in a new fabulous thread, i also have a video of a different Kung fu guy beating a vacant looking MT fella and he actually side kicks the mt guy clean over the ropes and into the crowd, using his Chi

                    A few more of these and MT will be a thing of the past [/QUOTE]

                    Well, a WC fighter beating a MT fighter IN LUMPINEE STADIUM must be something! Can't wait to see that!!
                    I have to disagree when you say that a MT guy would have his ass kicked easily outside the ring. A REAL MT fighter is hard to fight both inside and outside the ring.


                    • #25
                      husanyan, take your tongue out of your ass. I can find loads different clips of thai boxers beating the ass of tkders/karateka/kickboxers on my computer, and thats befor ei even connect to the internet. so far I have seen one clip of a TKD guy beating a VERY amateur looking thai boxer.

                      Lets remember something else, i have trained in mT aswell and there are plenty of weaknesses, particularly the rigid upright stance, which has led me to seriously train in western boxing where the movement is far better, especially head movement, foot work etc.. the tkd guy would have had a much harder time landing any of those superb kicks on a western boxers head.
                      you do realise that modern MT gyms incorporate western boxing techniques right? if yours didn't thats because you went to a crap gym. dont try and attribute that to muay thai.

                      Outside of the ring, a MT guy would probably have had his nuts kicked by these guys because of the slightly dumb, for ring only stance.
                      which is oddly enough the same stance used in burmese boxing. in burmese boxing, you are allowed groin shots. if it left you so wide open why would they use it? oh thats right, you're talking from your arsehole again.


                      • #26
                        poor things, maybe the Thai guy was having a bad hair day


                        • #27
                          which is oddly enough the same stance used in burmese boxing. in burmese boxing, you are allowed groin shots. if it left you so wide open why would they use it? oh thats right, you're talking from your arsehole again.[/QUOTE]

                          Burmese boxing and Muay Boran, the ancestor of Muay Thai, which is much more devastating. It was used in war and incorporates different lethal techniques. MT is the sport version of Muay Boran.


                          • #28
                            I'll try finding my video clip of shotokan karate beating muay boran on the street


                            • #29
                              I must admit that I laughed at the Rugby playing TKD guy. I'm just pretty sure that it was the Rugby trainng that won the day, rather than his TKD........


                              • #30
                                haw haw haw haw

