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Southpaw strategies

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  • Southpaw strategies

    Hey what's up guys.
    I was wondering if anyone had tips on fighting a Southpaw? I know for boxing, a lot of people say to keep your front foot outside of the southpaw's front foot. But what are some strategies in Muay Thai?


  • #2
    as far as i know you're on the target. staying outside of the lead is works in both situations. if you do that you'll stay off center of the southpaw and his power hand will be on the other side, important enough because his jab will probably be tougher than most.

    honestly for myself, other than that one detail every match seems the same. measure the distance, watch for intent, and snap the guy before he knows he's going, or make him miss and hit him in his "moment of helplessness."

    works for me, peace,


    • #3
      Sounds great, thanks for the help!


      • #4
        yup, stick to the outside.

        Other things that happen:

        Look at your kicks and his and how they line up. If your on the outside it is going to be awkward for him to throw a kick.

        Your lead hooks can get around his elbows and hands, his cannot.

        Your jab crosses over his, so if you both throw yours might still land while his won't.

        Watch your defences, the rules get changed on you. Catching his jab the way you would a orthodox fighters (with your rear hand) creates an opening for his power hand... like catching a jab with your lead does against a orthodox fighter.

        Just grab a partner, line yourselves up and see what you got, adjust and see. Get a feel for what you can land from where, and what you can't.

