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How to train your abs to take hits?

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  • How to train your abs to take hits?

    hi everyone, i wanted to get some feedback on how you guys train your abs? i train muay thai for a couple of years now and i wanted to strengten my abs or solar flex. the reason i'm asking is that when i get hit right in the mid section, that's the end of it for me . any advice? thanks.

  • #2
    use a medicin ball. lay on ur back and drop the medicine ball on ur stomach again and again to toughen it up.


    • #3
      Originally posted by EmptyneSs
      use a medicin ball. lay on ur back and drop the medicine ball on ur stomach again and again to toughen it up.
      Those are excellent for that. Also, try vaccuums. They strengthen your internal obliques and whenever you tighten up your stomach it'll be much tougher. Rocky Marciano used to do them every day and he often let his opponents punch him in his cast-iron stomach cause "it tires them out."


      • #4
        Originally posted by aang
        solar flex.

        Avoid getting hit in your solar plexus because It's a "Pressure Point". Work on your blocks, parries and movement. I don't care how much you condition your abs; if you get hit in that pressure's over!!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hardball
          Avoid getting hit in your solar plexus because It's a "Pressure Point". Work on your blocks, parries and movement. I don't care how much you condition your abs; if you get hit in that pressure's over!!!!!
          Not if you do the vaccuums, the internal obliques will armor it up and help reduce its effectiveness a great deal.


          • #6
            what are vacuums?, what are the benefits and how are they performed?


            • #7
              koto ryu, what is the vacuum?


              • #8
                Add me to that list. What are the vaccums and how long does it take to develop?


                • #9
                  The Vacuum

                  Hey, I didn't know what it was either, so I did a quick google search on it...

                  I present to you....

                  THE VACUUM!!!!

                  Dig it... I'll definitely give this one a try.


                  • #10
                    They're easy as hell to do and don't take long at all. Stand with your hands on your hips, take a deep deep breath, and bend forward while exhaling sharply. Then suck in your gut as tight as you can, raise your torso up, hold for a count of 5, and then exhale sharply, pushing your stomach out as hard as you can.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by koto_ryu
                      take a deep deep breath, and bend forward while exhaling sharply. Then suck in your gut as tight as you can, raise your torso up, hold for a count of 5, and then exhale sharply, pushing your stomach out as hard as you can.
                      Does it matter; through the nose or through the mouth?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by koto_ryu
                        then exhale sharply, pushing your stomach out as hard as you can.
                        when you say pushing your stomach out as hard as you can, meaning go back to you normal posture(really fast and hard)?


                        • #13
                          I typically inhale through the nose and out the mouth, so you can get more oxygen out. As for the stomach, yeah, you want to do it hard and fast so you're throwing your gut out quickly.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rasta
                            Hey, I didn't know what it was either, so I did a quick google search on it...

                            I present to you....

                            THE VACUUM!!!!

                            Dig it... I'll definitely give this one a try.
                            Good find, that'll work.


                            • #15
                              great idea. I will be doing these all the time now.

                              Koto, you've been doing these for a while? Can you overwork this excercise?

