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Chai Seminars ?

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  • Chai Seminars ?

    Hello, I was thanking of going to the Chai seminar in Atlanta, Ga. This is the one at Francis Fong's academy with Inosanto also. I was wondering what I could expect and if I would learn a lot. I've been in thai boxing almost a year now and I really want to take my learning to another level.


  • #2
    I had this same question about a year ago. I was concerned about going alone and what we'd be doing. I got lucky and a teammate of mine went along but really I had nothing to worry about. I have gone twice now and am preparing to go again in April.

    The two I have been to were similar in nature. Day one is some boxing techniques to start off, focus mitt drills and such. The into Thai boxing stances and combos. Day two was all combo drills on the pads and a burnout drill or two to get us sweating.

    The people were great and very welcoming. I have no doubt that had I gone alone I would have had no trouble working in with others (we switch around as it is) each day was about 5 hours of training with a lunch break halfway through. My opinion is day one is a little easier than day two.

    I am sure things are changed up and what I see this April won't be exactly the same as last time. Go and have fun.


    • #3
      We've had the priveledge of having Adjarn Chai Sirisute hold seminars here for a few years...I haven't missed a single one. I've missed an Inosanto seminar, because he just tosses out way too much information in his seminars to actually retain...but Adjarn quite simply...a very cool individual.
      He has a great sense of a legend in the martial arts community, and he's probably the best instructor for Thai boxing in the world outside of a few select individuals in Thailand. (i.e. the guy who was set apart by the king of Thailand as being the best fighter of the century.)

      I love Adjarn Chai's seminars...just remember to wai, to say say tang at the end of your knees...and to not jump over the ropes when getting into a ring...or he'll make you pay. Which is good....keeping the respect in the sport. Essential.

      If he calls you up for pad drills...cover well, and don't EVER drop your hands...even if the round is seemingly over and he turns around to address the rest of the people there...because he'll clock you. And if he asks you your name...say it and then say sir, and keep your face covered.

      Awesome guy...perhaps my favorite big name in the martial arts community because he's much more approachable than Guro Inosanto.

      And...if you're lucky enough to have a meal with your food...he likes to poison people's meals with hot sauce...he's a master of slight of hand.


      • #4
        Besides what all Garland said, Going to his seminars allows you to work with some really good Thai boxers from other places. You get to see stuff done different ways, and you can meet people in the 'community'.

        Little story....
        Here in New Mexico we eat our food really spiced up. People like me who moved here never develop the chile-eating-superpower of the natives - Case in point, Chai spiced my friend Phil's food at Oregon camp last year and Phil just kept right on eating while everybody waited breathlessly for a reaction. Later he admitted he could could tell it was different, but it "wasn't all that hot".
        I believe Phil mailed Chai some of our local chile later as a gift.


        • #5
          I just want to learn and understand what seperates thai boxing from other arts. I do have a couple more questions.

          1) Are the seminars based on self defense as well as sport ? I'm more interested in self defense, but also have some interest in competing.

          2) Are there any opportunities for to take pictures with Chai and Inosanto ?


          • #6
            I haven't trained with ajarn Chai but he came to our school and did a seminar. If you been training in muay thai for a year you will learn tons, be prepared for hard work though. I know he is a little harder on the ring fighters then other people who have never been to his seminars before. Guru Dan seminars are more mentally exhausting than anything. I have done 3 Guru Dan seminars this year and at each one I suffered from the "Inosanto Brain Lock" as my teacher calls it. You learn a great amount at either of their seminars.


            • #7
              Expect to work hard especially your legs. You'll need thai pads, and kali sticks (for guru dan). If you're lucky you may even see a live exam. I did in new jersey. Francis Fong may do chi sao.............not sure.


              • #8
                Richie, I've been to 10+ seminars with Ajarn Chai. All very fun. My first one he had me up to box and proceeded to beat me up for about 15 minutes. It was fun though. He's a very good guy. He's sneaky though, certainly be respectful, and keep an eye on him when you are working with him.

                The seminars are a mixed bag in terms of self-defense vs ring information. Some things covered are things that Ajarn has discovered in the past year. Some are tried and true MT training techniques. He likes to through in something from other matrial arts once in a while. You'll work on boxing, shadow boxing, and sparring/fighting techniques. If someone is testing that weekend, the work out will be more vigerous. It's a good time, don't be too nervous. He WILL hit you if he wants to. I've only escaped twice from boxing without him tagging me pretty hard. Ajarn is nicer to newbies than old friends, so don't be nervous about it, it'll be fun.

                As to pictures, I've had mine taken many times with Ajarn Chai, he usually will allow you to snap a photo after the day is over.


                • #9
                  SouthEastern Martial Arts Training Conference

                  This upcoming weekend, the Francis Fong Academy will be hosting both Ajarn Chai Sirisute and Guro Dan Inosanto at our SouthEastern Martial Arts Training Conference. In January, the Academy moved to a new location in Norcross, GA (north of Atlanta, GA). On Friday evening, Sifu Francis Fong will be teaching Wing Chun. On Saturday and Sunday morning, Guro Dan Inosanto will be teaching Filipino Martial Arts and Jun Fan/JKD, and on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, Ajarn Chai will be teaching Muay Thai.
                  Please go to our website,, for additional information. Our website also has directions and a map to our new location, hotel and travel information, and a FAQ section. Don't miss this opportunity to train with the Masters!
                  Please also feel free to call the Academy at 770.416.7111 for additional information. We hope to see you there.

                  Tracey Shank
                  Director of Operations
                  Francis Fong Martial Arts Academy


                  • #10
                    Hey Tracey

                    Hey Khru Tracey,

                    This is Brian from Utah. Hope all is well. Best of luck to you guys (although I know you don't need it) for your upcoming seminar. I'm sure it will be tons of fun and everyone will learn a lot and have some great experiences to talk about on top of all that.

                    What have you been up to lately? You planning on hitting Thai Camp this year?

                    Tonya is still working out although not as much as in the past. She just got married a while back and I think they're busy making that work and paying the bills and such. But she's definitely improving still.

                    M'lisa just recently had a fight. It went 3 and was a close decision but the judges gave the other gal the nod. She had a great teep knock down in the second round though. Check it out. She's on some of the highlights of a recent promotional clip we put togther for our gym.

                    Best of Mushin Fighter Corps 2004 DVD

                    And here is the teep. It got cut from the web version of the promo but here it is plus another cool kick:

                    M'Lisa's Knock Down

                    Hope to hear from you soon.

                    And as for those of you who wonder whether or not attending an Ajarn Surachai Sirisute Seminar or TBA Seminar in general is worth it, if it's any good or if you'll learn anything; Every single one of the fighters featured in the promo have attended at least one if not all 4 Utah Ajarn Chai Seminars and there are a couple that have traveled to Los Angeles to train under him at the Legends Seminar, as well as Oregon for the annual Pacific Northwest Muay Thai Camp.

                    Each of the fighters featured pays respect before they step into the ring/cage and when they do, I know I speak for all of us when I say, a deep sense of respect is felt toward Ajarn Chai, we think of him while we present the Wai and fight to honor his name and all those that continue to teach, inspire and guide us along the way (Ajarn Chai, Guro Inosanto, Khuen Khru Will Bernales, Khuen Khru Greg Nelson, Sensei Erik Paulson, Professor Pedro Sauer, Khuen Khru Leonard Trigg, Khuen Khru Jeff Jones, Khuen Khru Mike Walwrath, Khuen Khru Mateo De Los Reyes and all the Camp Instructors).

                    If I were in that neck of the woods, I'd definitely take the opportunity to learn from these incredible men.

                    Best wishes,

