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First fight coming up !

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  • First fight coming up !

    Hey, I have my first official fight coming up at the end of april. I'm very nervous/scared, but also excited to get in the ring. I would like to hear about anyones first fight experience. Mainly how to control fear and not let it control you.


  • #2
    Just go in there and hurt him.
    Remember...his whole reason for being there is to cause you pain, to hurt and humiliate you in front of your family, friends, and your trainers.
    He's been training for a while, with the sole concern of taking you down and out.

    Don't go in there to win...go into the ring to show that punk ass who's boss. Even if you lose...try and get his side to carry him out on a stretcher..and be calm about it...calculating, and methodical.

    Don't think...I'm going to do all of these advanced moves and try and parry and block everything....just go in there, stick to reflex type moves...and just plow through the guy.

    Chop his legs out from under him when he tries to kick, and when his hands come down...bulldog that shit, don't try and look pretty with high kicks on your first fight, just wait for the right times to toss bombs...and when he gets close...hold him tight and knee quick and hard- don't stop until the ref either pulls you off of him or he drops.


    • #3
      oh...yeah...don't invite underage girls who have access to alchohol.
      Man...I had two of my close female friends come to my fight...chickas got so plastered they were throwing up at the fight in, people were paying more attention to them than me...
      Still pretty funny.
      Ah....good times....went out that night after my fight, painted the town red with my boys Juhyung, B.K., Katie, Fitz...Fatty Mc. Natt back before he turned into a theiving junkie ****...his girl, Ariel.....ah, good times. 3 40's, because I could drink, cuz I wasn't training....1 MGD, 1 Olde E., and 1 bitch beer (Boon's Farm), some JD....half a pack of smokes...some other stuff....ah


      • #4
        All your nervousness will be gone after the first time you get hit. Keep training and you'll do fine. Maintain your game. When you're tired remember that you've been training and he's much more tired than you. When your in pain,, know that he's hurting more.

        Break a leg
        no seriously, have fun, good luck.


        • #5
          better yet....break HIS leg.

