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Spike TV UFC

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  • #31
    Tae Kwon Do. Woo hoo. That's cool but, how many thousands of others train BJJ as well? Don't mind me, I just find him and his show incredibly annoying. I'm sure if I ever met him I'd find him to be the nicest guy in the world, but I don't like most tv personalities, and I think he's a douche


    • #32
      about full contact tkd, and Joe rogan

      The only cool thing about full-contact tkd is the fact you can knock the other guy out. As a former full contact tkd fighter and a former kick boxer I will definately say that kick boxing is tougher, no doubt. The boxing aspect of the game is something new to people who come over from a kicking back ground regardless of it being full contact. No full contact fighting is easy, but some are more hard core than others(MMA being at the top of the food chain)
      I've never cared for joe rogan that much,except when he was on news radio,his tkd record is not that impressive, wow a national champ and saying he was a state tkd champion is super lame. I was unoffically ranked like no.2 in my state(because I refused to pay dues to the ustu, just fighting for the fun of ko'ing people not for the oylimpics) I've fought people who were "state champions" or "national champions", and wasn't impressed. Win the oylimpics then get back to me, ok.The bjj thing is cool but if he was really a "badass" (actually nobody's a badass since it's only a game anyway)he'd fight in kickboxing or boxing or better yet, since he's a grappler mma. I think he'd get worked in any of these fighting games. 1 reason he may not want to is because he's a star, he can't get his face all busted up and still look good on camera. I just find him very annoying as a mma comentator.


      • #33
        So, then who would have been your picks for a commentator? Regardless of style, he has a martial arts background AND he is on prime time tv as, well, you may as well call him a commentator of sorts on Fear Factor too, not much point is Dana White got a martial artist is also currently a tv he got some of both pieces of pie. Frankly, I didn't think he did that bad of a job. Besides, I was tuned in to watch the fights, not judge the commentators ability.

        The fight between Bonnars and Griffin was indeed a war!

        Penance, I think you said it was boring to you....what fight were you watching?? It only went to the ground a couple times and when it did, they got back up fairly quick...I thought it was suspenseful, in that, I kept watching close to not miss the knockout (which of course didn't come, but it looked like it would). Those two warriors poured out everything they had and still looked pretty composed. I have seen alot worse from some of the seasoned veterans at times.

        Just my opinion.

