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1 second KO
Registered User
- Mar 2005
- 354
That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete.
That was so awesome... I can't put it into words.
I've always thought about doing that to someone, now I see the benefits.
Registered User
- Mar 2005
- 354
That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete.
Originally posted by peopleschampwhat a bitch move
Registered User
- Mar 2005
- 354
That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete.
Yeahhhh, that's true. That is a little too shady for pros.
It's prolly nice for him to be able to say "I knocked out a guy in 1 second"
But yeah, as you said.. In amatures a lot of people would go after you. Could be a good thing though. The more people that try and prove themselves, the more people you could break down. Therefor improving your fighting record.
Total Bullshit move!! There is a word called RESPECT, that guy needs it kicked into his head. I make all of my fighters offer to touch gloves, but I also make them have the other hand up incase their opponent does not oblige the respectful gesture. That guy needs his ASS WHOOPED!! That is the kind of shit that starts riots in the stands, and I am surprised that the corner did not go over and return the punch himself.
Many amateur organizations actually ban touching gloves during the round just for such instances. However, I find that it is rarely enforced. The only thing that would be worse than this is if the other guy initiated the glove touching, and then smoked him. What new fighters can learn from this... touch gloves only when the ref tells you to. After the fight you can do what you want.
"protect yourself at all times"
all though I agree fighters should touch gloves before at referee's instructions in the ring and come out fighting.
Registered User
- Mar 2005
- 354
That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete.
Originally posted by retiredNever trust your opponent, the bell went & he got slammed, tough shit.