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Where is your skill level?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by speedkills
    try training with wieghts on your feet. Do multiple kicks then take them off and do more kicks.Thats how I developed my leg power and speed.
    Any1 know of a place where you can get 20+ pound ankle weights? All I can find are lame little 10 pound ones. i need to move up the ladder


    • #17
      Yeah. Go piss off the mafia.


      • #18
        Originally posted by THT
        Hey wolverine, Where in K-Zoo to you train? My girlfriends family is down that way and I am always interested in checking out gyms and meeting other muay thai obsessed people.
        I train at the Southside
        Like I said in my post I'm taking some time off, but if you're ever in town let me know and I'll show you around the gym. Southside is mostly a Judo gym...there's no Muay Thai. I train mostly with NHB fighters right now. Our instructor is very good, and has a practical approach to fighting so it fits in great with Muay Thai. You train at Cooper's right? I use to train Muay Thai in Marquette, MI and I've been to a few fights where the Cooper's team has been there....Good fighters, Good Guys.


        • #19
          Originally posted by jubaji
          Yeah. Go piss off the mafia.
          That was neither funny nor helpful, you fail.


          • #20
            Originally posted by swisscom
            Any1 know of a place where you can get 20+ pound ankle weights? All I can find are lame little 10 pound ones. i need to move up the ladder
            I think I have seen some at Wal-Mart before.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kosmo yagkoto
              I think I have seen some at Wal-Mart before.
              Hmm thanks bud, I'll head over and take a look before I goto the gym today. See jubaji this is constructive. If you wanna be a jackass and joke around, say something clever and witty like "asdf" or even "qwerty"


              • #22
                I am guessing that #3 covers me. I've been training in MT since 93, and I'm supposed to test this nov for level 3. I've been out to see Ajarn Chai for around 10 years now.

                I personally have only sparred and done a few full contact fights at our gym. I'm currently helping to train a couple of guys for UFC. As to the level 3 test, I just hope that the body holds out, I've had my fair share of rather severe injuries.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by swisscom
                  That was neither funny nor helpful, you fail.

                  Uh-oh! I've run afoul the canadian mafia!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by swisscom
                    If you wanna be a jackass and joke around, say something clever and witty like "asdf" or even "qwerty"
                    Or I could say, "**** off and lighten up bacon-boy"


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jubaji
                      Or I could say, "**** off and lighten up bacon-boy"
                      oh no you have deeply offended me!... bacon boy... take it back, oh god please take it back.

                      some tips for future insults:
                      1. **** = wtf does this mean? There are over 1000 words with 4 letters in the english language alone. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you meant to say "fcuk" in which case. Grow up child, learn how to disrespect people respectably.

                      2. ****ing off and "lightening up" contradict eachother, at least in your context. I think you meant to say, "**** off or lighten up"

                      3. bacon-boy, okay. To start this off. If you're going to nickname me Bacon-boy at least capitalize the B, proper grammar is essential for a muay thai fighter, ask anybody. Also, I take great pride in knowing we make the best bacon in the world. Even though I eat bacon maybe 10 times a year.

                      So as you can see, you have typed 11 words, and it was so poorly planned, that I could write 3 points on how to improve.

                      So please, if your going to type again, don't make it so lame.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by swisscom
                        oh no you have deeply offended me... bacon boy... take it back, oh god please take it back.

                        Isn't that what your Mom said to the doctor when you were born?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jubaji
                          Isn't that what your Mom said to the doctor when you were born?
                          Okay seriously, just stop posting now. This is like talking to a 10 year old.

                          To get on topic, my skill level, uhm I've been in Muay Thai for about 2 months.
                          As arrogant as it may sound, people call me a natural, haha makes me smile whenever I get a compliment like that. I'm not a big guy, 5'8 132lbs, being able to knock down/back someone 6 feet tall and that have 100lbs on me feels nice to say the least. Well, I'm thinking about going pro thaiboxing or maybe even go into K-1 or UFC ;D watch out for me in a few years guys, im coming


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by swisscom
                            As arrogant as it may sound, people call me a natural, haha makes me smile whenever I get a compliment like that.

                            Yeah, they're just being nice. Don't let it get to you.


                            • #29
                              Fine, you want to have your stupid little internet fight?
                              Apparenltly your dumbass can't read BOLDED FCUKING WORDS
                              I said stop posting, and look what you do, you fcuking post again!
                              A retarded post at that, I have an ego, I'll admit it. Having faith in yourself is essentially an ego. However you look at it, it breaks down into the same basic concept.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by swisscom
                                Apparenltly your dumbass can't read BOLDED FCUKING WORDS
                                I said stop posting, and look what you do, you fcuking post again!

                                Did you have some reason to believe I would comply with the demands of some hysterical little fag like you?

