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Where is your skill level?

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  • #46
    I trained in Soo Bahk Do a few years back for a bit. Then the place burned down. But have been surfing for 5 years, so that kept me in a little bit of shape. Now I want to step up my surfing and charge some big waves, so I decided I needed to train hard. The best way to fill that gap was training to fight. So I found out about Muay Thai and a friend who surfs told me about his gym and how they have MT. Walked right in and joined, I had already decided. So maybe one month of training for boxing/kickboxing, but am not actually in MT classes yet (you need to be conditioned first). But I'm enjoying the hell out of all of this and already plan an amature fight in Dec. I sure hope my opponent is going to train hard, because I sure will (and am). After that, I dunno. But today I got a bunch of books on MT to add to my collection on other MA's and theory as well as a nutrition book for athletes (hunger kicked into overdrive, gotta feed the machine). But this, all of this training and whatnot, is not to hurt people. Quite the contrary, I want to explore my limits and grow as a person. Any fights (ring only) are to guage my progress and strive for better.

    Oh ya, 19 years old. 5'10". 135lbs and gaining.


    • #47
      I'm stuck in learning the fundamentals stage! I started a year ago for about 2mths...then had to travel on business as well as my knee injury started bothering me again..... Anybody got tips on motivating themselves while training at home?


      • #48
        Get some videos and movies to see what your goal is. Then work towards it. Cut out drugs and alcohol too, they really kill motivation (at least for me).


        • #49

          I did some kung-fu for about a year, and have only been starting to learn Muay Thai for a few months now. I am loving it though. Training seems much more straight forward and directly applicable than what I was doing before... And it is a harder workout for me, which I also like.


          • #50
            So I knocked out a 6'2 240 pound guy last night. I'm proud, and being 132 pounds, that's bragable.


            • #51
              Do I really have to ask for the scenario/story? Can't just tease us like that...


              • #52
                So ok.. back a while ago I was at this party, being the crazy cool guy I am I decided to get loaded. Once I was loaded, I felt invincible, as most drunks feel. So I fought this guy, I think I was knocked out the first round? Anyway.

                So yesterday, my highschool grad. I goto this party afterwards, with my gear and shit. He (the guy who knocked me out) has been drunk long before I got there, anyway I challanged him to a rematch. So everyone creates this big circle. We get our gloves on. It was dark, lightly raining, and I guess I had a little to drink aswell. Okay so.

                Round one: Everyone finds out, that when im not drunk, i kick shitloads of ass.
                End Result: Opponent has a bloody nose from a massive left hook. 1-0

                Round two: Worked the side of his head a little more, he hit me once. It really fucking dazed me. So I took a standing 7 count.
                End Result: Opponent wins: 1-1

                Round three: I jabbed a lot, while he swung intensivly hard, I took anoter shot to the head, not that bad, I recovered right away, hit him with a fluster of my fastest jabs to blur his vision, crossed in the face, stepped and gave him my hardest left hook possible. Connected right to his jaw, he fell down.
                End Result: Almost a knock out, he got up at 8 seconds, 2-1

                Round four: Right at the start I recived a hook to the head, i stumbled to the ground. Tripped over a tree, took a 6 second count, got up. Worked his body with hooks while dodging every punch he threw. (After the fight, a friend of mine told me this: In the 4th round, everyone in his corner kept saying, all he is throwing is left hooks, so stop his hook and knock him out. Look who you're fucking losing to, he's 1/2 your size!) so after i dodged a few more, I started getting cocky, and I dropped my hands entirely. Just so I can have better vision. It was my intention to dodge punchs for the rest of the round to look good. Anyway, that got bad when I started getting hit a little, so ... jab, cross, he thought the left hook was coming so he turned his head away, right hook to the head, perfect hit. He hits the ground. K.O

                Iunno, it was fun. I have the movie, that's why this is so detailed. Anyway. There's your story, take it easy haha

                Battle Damage:
                Me: My shoulder is bruised for some reason, up near my temple on the left side has a bruise aswell

                Him: Black eye, purple cheek on the left side, dislocated jaw, and some loose teeth.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by swisscom
                  So ok.. back a while ago I was at this party, being the crazy cool guy I am I decided to get loaded. Once I was loaded, I felt invincible, as most drunks feel. So I fought this guy, I think I was knocked out the first round? Anyway.

                  So yesterday, my highschool grad. I goto this party afterwards, with my gear and shit. He (the guy who knocked me out) has been drunk long before I got there, anyway I challanged him to a rematch. So everyone creates this big circle. We get our gloves on. It was dark, lightly raining, and I guess I had a little to drink aswell. Okay so.

                  Round one: Everyone finds out, that when im not drunk, i kick shitloads of ass.
                  End Result: Opponent has a bloody nose from a massive left hook. 1-0

                  Round two: Worked the side of his head a little more, he hit me once. It really fucking dazed me. So I took a standing 7 count.
                  End Result: Opponent wins: 1-1

                  Round three: I jabbed a lot, while he swung intensivly hard, I took anoter shot to the head, not that bad, I recovered right away, hit him with a fluster of my fastest jabs to blur his vision, crossed in the face, stepped and gave him my hardest left hook possible. Connected right to his jaw, he fell down.
                  End Result: Almost a knock out, he got up at 8 seconds, 2-1

                  Round four: Right at the start I recived a hook to the head, i stumbled to the ground. Tripped over a tree, took a 6 second count, got up. Worked his body with hooks while dodging every punch he threw. (After the fight, a friend of mine told me this: In the 4th round, everyone in his corner kept saying, all he is throwing is left hooks, so stop his hook and knock him out. Look who you're fucking losing to, he's 1/2 your size!) so after i dodged a few more, I started getting cocky, and I dropped my hands entirely. Just so I can have better vision. It was my intention to dodge punchs for the rest of the round to look good. Anyway, that got bad when I started getting hit a little, so ... jab, cross, he thought the left hook was coming so he turned his head away, right hook to the head, perfect hit. He hits the ground. K.O

                  Iunno, it was fun. I have the movie, that's why this is so detailed. Anyway. There's your story, take it easy haha

                  Battle Damage:
                  Me: My shoulder is bruised for some reason, up near my temple on the left side has a bruise aswell

                  Him: Black eye, purple cheek on the left side, dislocated jaw, and some loose teeth.
                  A) Sounds like you are an asshole who can't handle his drink

                  B) Sounds like you are a piss-poor fighter who could barely stand up to a drunken stumblebum

                  C) Sounds like a bullshit story anyway


                  • #54
                    oh... so cocky jubaji... if only you could fly down here for a fight.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by swisscom
                      oh... so cocky jubaji... if only you could fly down here for a fight.

                      Oh my goodness, I'm terrified. If you catch me drunk off my ass, with an inner-ear infection and a broken leg I'll be in real trouble!


                      • #56
                        Sure would be.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by swisscom
                          Sure would be.

                          Would be what?


                          • #58
                            In real trouble.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by jubaji
                              Oh my goodness, I'm terrified. If you catch me drunk off my ass, with an inner-ear infection and a broken leg I'll be in real trouble!
                              For one to fight jubaji one must first locate a roll of duct tape in which to wrap around jubaji's mouth so as to quiet all his jibber jabber...then half the battle is won


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by swisscom
                                In real trouble.


