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Kickboxers beaten down by Pro Wrestlers

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  • Kickboxers beaten down by Pro Wrestlers


    By: Joey Styles
    4/27/2005 9:40:42 AM


    Note from Joey Styles...this story makes the kickboxers sound like innocent victims which was not the case. Regardless, telling pro wrestlers that what they do is fake and that they cannot fight is a great way to get your ass kicked. There are many pro football players, boxers, kickboxers, who have found this out the hard way. The only people I have met who can kick ass better than pro wrestlers are MMA fighters but they almost never start trouble.

    From UK Tabloid Newspaper, THE SUN...
    Now that's a big fight out

    BOOZED-UP kickboxers fought an unscheduled bout with American telly wrestlers — in a posh hotel lobby.

    Terrified guests dived for cover as the fighters squared up after a martial arts show, sending feet, fists and glasses flying.

    They watched amazed as the boxers lashed out with a flurry of acrobatic spinning kicks and punches, while the touring grapplers hurled their opponents around the reception hall.

    Ex-world kickboxing champ Kash “The Flash” Gill — 6ft 3in and 11st 6lb — claimed he was dragged around in a headlock by 22st, 6ft 5in wrestler Dave “Demon of the Deep” Batista, 36.

    One boxer was thrown over a table full of drinks and another over a baggage trolley before the row spilled outside.

    A car park security barrier was smashed before police broke up Sunday’s midnight fight at the Hilton Hotel at Birmingham’s NEC complex.

    The punch-up followed a kickboxing exhibition match for 500 guests, organised by 37-year-old Kash.

    He said: “It had been a great night, but one of our tables was a bit rowdy after having too much to drink. In reception one of our blokes accidentally bumped into one wrestler and said sorry straight away.

    “The wrestler said, ‘You will be’ and it all kicked off. The wrestlers were all giants and three of them had one of our blokes on the floor.

    “I ran out to try to calm things down, but next thing I knew one wrestler had me in an armlock and was throwing me around like a doll.

    “Somone told him I was a kickboxing champ and he backed off. But it was quite nasty with a couple of bloody noses and ripped shirts and T-shirts all over the lobby.

    “It was probably the boozers on our side who started it, but the wrestlers didn’t use their strengths in a professional way and were out of order.”

    One hotel worker said: “It was mayhem for about 15 minutes. The boxers were saying wrestling was fake and that the big guys couldn’t fight — so they just grabbed them.”

    A World Wrestling Entertainment spokesman said: “Our guys were checking in when the boxers began making remarks. They weren’t happy.”

    Police confirmed officers were sent. A spokesman said: “We sorted it out without any arrests.”

  • #2
    Ya know....maybe some of those chairs breaking over their backs is real, BUT, I still think Pro wrestling is FAKE. Not saying they can't fight when it comes to barroom brawling, but on TV that shit looks fake, is fake, and probably will always be fake. Especially how it used to be in the 80's and early 90's when I would get stuck watching it at a friends house because he thought it was the coolest thing ever.

    As far as beating the what, kickboxing does not label them supermen, and the post said they were throwing spinning kicks and such...who in their right mind throws ANY kind of spinning kick in a street fight, or any kind of high kick for that matter. What happened to headbutts, knees, and elbows.....Geeesh!


    • #3
      A pro-wrestling website reports that a UK tabloid says that some pro-wrestler types beat up some drunken martial arts types after somebody bumped somebody in a hotel lobby and maybe talked some trash?

      I'm giving this a 7/10 troll attempt


      • #4
        ok im sorry but i think kickboxing is kinda weak............. i mean like in pro u cant even kick below the waist. That is ridicoulous. it reminds me of TKD mixed with a not as effective boxing.

        Mauy Thai is a total different story though.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Python
          As far as beating the what, kickboxing does not label them supermen, and the post said they were throwing spinning kicks and such...who in their right mind throws ANY kind of spinning kick in a street fight, or any kind of high kick for that matter. What happened to headbutts, knees, and elbows.....Geeesh!
          Exactly. Most kickboxers would never throw a spin kick in a fight. Maybe in the ring if it was set up right, but rarely. For self defense - never. Chances are that these guys were some other kind of martial artists.

          No one will doubt the strength and toughness of pro-wrestlers. Probably somewhere close to that of pro-football players. Most pro-wrestlers would be able to compete with amateur MMA fighters or B-class stand fighters up due to their sheer size, strength and toughness.

          Remember the Kurt Angle match against that young aspiring MMA dude? He was very close to subbing Angle, but Angle won the match by slowly working him into a pin. In addition to being a WWE tough guy, Angle was a collegiate wrestler...


          • #6
            Well have any of you guys seen this Batista guy? He looks like a really scary guy and only a fool would make fun of him to his face.


            • #7
              The only way you could hurt battista, would be by smashing his face with a shovel.


              • #8
                Originally posted by swisscom
                The only way you could hurt battista, would be by smashing his face with a shovel.
                That's kind of weird.
                So I couldn't hurt him by driving into him with a car?

                What if I had a shovel in the trunk of the car. Would that work?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bodhisattva
                  That's kind of weird.
                  So I couldn't hurt him by driving into him with a car?

                  What if I had a shovel in the trunk of the car. Would that work?
                  No man, shovel has to have contact with the face, if the shovel was in the trunk.. no harm done.

                  In soviet russia battista drives himself into your car!


                  • #10
                    "acrobatic kicks".
                    "martial arts show"

                    hmm..... American kickboxers suck balls.
                    I'd like to see a prowrestler try and take a dutch muay thai kickboxer in a similar weight class...i.e. Bojanski, Hoost, Bernardo, Leko, people like that...the thai guys are awesome, but the size difference is too much, except for perhaps people like Ramon Dekkers.

                    Oh, wait...that's why there's PRIDE, huh? If I remember correctly, didn't some of these guys waste ex-prowrestlers?

                    How 'bout the psycho muay thai/ vale tudo Vanderlei Silva, and Pele Landi, Genki Sudo.....??


                    • #11
                      Hey guys, I've met and trained with former wwe wrestler Sean O'Haire, who is currenly fighting in K-1 and so far I've seen him get knocked out by Gary Goodridge and Musashi. It just depends on who you're fighting and where I guess.

