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Friendly Fire - Muay Thai vs TKD

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  • Friendly Fire - Muay Thai vs TKD

    Hi everyone,

    A few of us have a little wager going on about who would win in a fight. Currently so far there is one person from Muay Thai with about 9 months experience (6'0 195lbs) vs someone from an NCAA UPenn 17-2 TKD record. (5'9 225 lbs) - If they were to go at it, who would win? based in a 3 min 3 round fight?

    What techniques or tips to give? I see that the MT could have an advantage, but as towards the NCAA , he has alot more experience, and thighs and arms are pretty big.

    Any ideas?

    PS - Fight weight would be at 180lbs vs. 230lbs a good 50 pounds advantage also (MT vs TKD)

  • #2
    Um...those stats change things dramaticly.
    You can't train muay thai for 9 months and expect to beat a well rounded fighter (even if it is TKD...cuz, chances are, he cross-trains, because these days, almost everybody does), especially one that's that much larger than you.

    Funny little side-track, I saw a TKD guy actually do pretty well in some round-robin sparring sessions at a CSW seminar, even against experienced Muay Thai and Shooto guys...and the determining factors were...him being really scrappy, and him being VERY good in his particular discipline, and being obviously trained enough in muay thai and shooto and perhaps some other things (as per his body mechanics and movements) to fire thai style kicks back, and to counter kicks, shoots, and punches...he could even box...I COULDN'T believe it.

    Seriously, the guy is now my hero.
    Because he's good at his art, yet realizes the necessity to cross-train, and because of his cross-training, is a well rounded fighter that can hold his own even amongst the most staunch and classiest competition. (I hold the people in the seminar that were working rounds with him in VERY high regard)

    Just because somebody moves like a TKD guy, or is an accomplished TKD guy doesn't necessarily mean that they are just a TKD guy, they might know some Muay Thai, or some jiu jitsu, or even know how to box, this guy knew all three to the point where he could logicly defend himself.

    Remember UFC 3...Kimo was claiming to be a TKD stylist...yeah, right.


    • #3
      Oh i understand what you mean, its more of a just a wager and fun thing among friends. MT fighter isnt well trained, but just practicing along, while the TKD says everything he is, (is not proven) so we just going by his words


      • #4
        Originally posted by jiggie
        Oh i understand what you mean, its more of a just a wager and fun thing among friends. MT fighter isnt well trained, but just practicing along, while the TKD says everything he is, (is not proven) so we just going by his words
        Are you placing bets on this....
        in that case...tell the muay thai guy this;
        punches, prummb, and cut kicks. (low kicks to take out the legs)

        then bet all the money on him.


        • #5
          ...hold up, I might need to ammend that, what are the rules they're fighting under???


          • #6
            fighting with headgear on and 16 pound gloves, no shin pads. no elbows, knees ok

            TKD has thick thick ass thights, so low kicks could be difficult, using push kicks prob wouldnt even move him much. ahahah


            • #7
              Ohh to add on MT guy has no fight experience, just training and so forth, so this would be his first


              • #8
                how far out is the fight???

                tell the muay thai guy to work on boxing. Don't even worry too much about the kicks, but to train hard low kicks anyway, and to aim for the supporting leg...TKD guys kick high, which allows the muay thai guy to kick the other leg out from under him.

                Once the muay thai guy has the other dude in the clinche...the TKD guy will be like a fish out of water. Knee knee knee...don't stop until he puts his head down into one...and he probably will try to duck out of it in order to get out, that's when he should land a ko with a knee.

                Punch until you can clinche. When he kicks high, kick low.

                I'd put my money on it.


                • #9
                  if the mt guy has no fight experience, there isnt even a point. he wont a stand a chance against this tkd guy u are describing.

                  however if the mt guy had 9 months of experience in sparring many different people many different rounds per week, everyweek, then it would be a whole different story. if all the mt guy has been doing is bagwork for the last 9 months the experienced tkd guy will waste him. if the tkd guy is truly 17 -2, he has had tons of experience in sparring.

                  btw, my friend did tkd for 13 years, and even though people will say tkd sux, my friend has so much power in his kicks he could knock over wavemasters with his snappy tkd roundhouse, he doesnt even need a muay thai one. and his sidekicks and spin back kicks are fast and have enough power to launch a person easily. like that one clip, he can execute powerful, accurate spin back kicks as counters to punches. if u train hard and long and keep trying to get better no matter what, u will develope powerful skills regardless of what u train in.


                  • #10
                    fighting with headgear on and 16 pound gloves, no shin pads. no elbows, knees ok
                    TKD guy will win. No knees, No elbows, and those 16lb gloves will keep the MT guy from being able to use his hands. The rules are set very heavily in the TKD guys favor. Just kidding about the gloves, I know you mean ounces, but why would you use such heavy gloves? You say the MT guy has an advantage. What advantage does he really have here, nothing that is going to ensure victory.

                    Seriously though it sounds like the MT guy needs to learn some respect the old fashioned way. He hasnt even fought one guy, but thinks he can hold his own against someone with a pretty good winning record who is also 50lbs heavier. If I were him I'd stop this gossip very very quickly. He should spar the TKD guy and learn a little. Keep things on the friendly side, practice, and grow in his art. He's standing on illusions. Why has he gone 9 months without one match?


                    • #11
                      yeah your thai guy will get knocked out quick. He won't know how to read the body language fast enough. The TKD guy will probably make the MT guy come forward and press him instead of attacking. Then as he tries to change ranges he's gonna get blasted. and the tkd guy will move back out of range.

                      But still anything can happen


                      • #12
                        These type arguments are usually useless. What matters is the individual not the style. Howerve My money is on the TKD guy just because it sounds like he has the experience. 9 mos of training doesn,t mean anything. My thought is the TKD guy has probably been rocked a couple of times and knows how to recover. With little training once they start fighting technique may go out the window and MT guy maybe throwing hay while they experinced fighter who is also heavier might be able to relax and counter and knock him out.


                        • #13

                          I have been a fighting in MT for about 2 years and in a fight where the experience was the same a TKD student should not even attemp to get into the ring with a Thai fighter unless he likes taking massive amounts of damage. In this situation it is somewhat one-sided due to the size and inexperience factor, but to set here and say that TKD could stand in a ring with a MT fighter is humorus to me. NOW, if you want to say no knees, elbows, grappling, ect. you can but then it stops being a fight and becomes a pegentry of disciplines. MT teaches you how to fight. Maximim damage, as efficiently as possible. No other standing art can consistantly stand in the ring with a thai fighter. A true combatant in my eyes is MT (standing) and grappling or JJ (ground). WELL ROUNDED, but as far as stand-up none compare to MT. Let me say this though. A MT FIGHTER SHOULD BE HUMBLE, RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS ART, AND CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS AND EGO. Anyone can fall.


                          • #14
                            If the guy is strictly TKD...he won't have any hands...he will try to block roundkicks with his hands and arms...and he will NOT know how to defend against low kicks and will be easy pickin's with knee strikes.
                            Even with 16 oz. can still rock somebody with a cross or a hook...don't be stupid.

                            Once the muay thai guy puts the TKD guy in the'-over...given that he has ANY clue what he's doing.
                            I may be biased because all of the TKD guys with the exception of 1 that I know suck, and anybody I know with at least 4 months of thai training is capable of defending themselves standing up...but that's because all of the Muay Thai guys I know are...well...athletes.

                            Difference between being a martial athlete (muay thai) and being a martial "artist" (TKD)

                            a snappy roundkick may be enough to knock over a wavemaster...but you can knock those over with a heavy left straight...the wavemasters suck...I've said it before...they're useless, and flimsy. Pole bags, thai pads, and swinging bags are the better choices.


                            • #15
                              if the MT guy has any skill or experience at all he should win. or it should at least be a draw.


