I've been told that when I throw a punch, I should tuck my head into that same arm as to prevent being hit. But I don't see people do this while they spar. Did this person give me good advice or what?
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one hand to cover the jaw, like you're on a phone...the punching arm's shoulder should cover your jawline, but should be retracted quickly also.
People sometimes tend to toss technique out the window when they spar...stick to the technique and keep a cool head, and you'll usually do a great deal better.
yeah thats good advice. i have alot of experience in sparring. my advice to u is anytime u throw a punch, roll your shoulder over and hit your selfelf in the face with your own shoulder. your head should already be tucked in a bit and ur chin down, so when u punch u roll your shoulder and hit yourself in the face, your shoulder coming up enough to properly protect your jaw. ur jaw/chin needs to be protected at all times no matter what. even if u are attacking, countering, or blocking. keep your chin down, and never look at your oppoents face when sparring, look just under it at his chest area instead of his face or hands. this alone is very important because it will make sure your chin is down, and u can see his kicks and movements much better while still being able to see his hands. eventually u will get so used to seeing how people move, u can see shots coming at u before they hit u and u can counter attack or evade or whatever.
I agree with these guys. The shoulder should come up to defend the jaw on the punch side of the face. Ajarn Chai will time your shoulder drop on the way back and hit ya also, so keep the shoulder up until you are out of range.
The problem with sparring is that people tend to get overly excited and they lose the good technique. What you need to do is shadow box until it's so ingrained into your being that you don't have to think about the technique, it's just there.
that's my 2 cents.
Originally posted by KZLI agree with these guys. The shoulder should come up to defend the jaw on the punch side of the face. Ajarn Chai will time your shoulder drop on the way back and hit ya also, so keep the shoulder up until you are out of range.
If Ajarn is holding the pads...he'll hit you.
Doesn't matter how fast you are or how good your technique is...he is just way too good.
It's always a humbling reminder of just how far you have to go when he hold for you.
im not sure who Ajarn is. I think its a word that means teacher, but it sounds like its one guy in particular they're talking about.
can someone offer some general advice on punches? straight punches are about the weakest thing ive got going atm. in particular, how do i get my hands and wrists strong enough so i cant hurt them punching. i can currently hit hard enough so my hands hurt afterwards, hurt lots. like shaking and all.
keep your fist and wrist in line. Like this, connect the dots, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knuckles.
That's for a straight punch.
Hitting a heavy bag will help you get used to this...so will doing push-ups, and on your knuckles.
Remember to keep your elbow, wrist, and fist in line, and you stand a much lesser chance of hurting yourself.
thx, but its more that when i punch sometimes i can feel the bones impacting in my hand... and i have a suspicion some of the carpels will snap at some point. which would be a very bad thing. press ups on knuckles is likely to help quite a lot there tho. thx