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dont fight when pissed

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  • #16

    BTW, what is an "utter twat"? You keep using it, but I'm not real sure what that means. Just curious.


    • #17
      Originally posted by seppuku
      Now that comment was very mature of you. Twat.
      And your post was very mature, look at what you posted..


      • #18
        Originally posted by seppuku
        Now that comment was very mature of you. Twat.
        Oh, i see, but callin me a twat is mature maybe its an exotic word for you, but it hardly shouts maturity...



        • #19
          A huge gaping vagina the size of a hallway


          • #20
            Originally posted by seppuku
            i went out and got drunk. i am now trying to type. some bastard jumped over a bench and started kicking off at me just because i called him gay because he said he was. yeah.
            anyway, wtf should ppl do if some random guy loads taller and angrier than you runs up and pushes you. at least i didnt fall over lol so couldve been much worse i guess

            now im just drunk and annoyed that all i did was diffuse it when i kinda wanted to headbutt him. but didnt think of it. any u ppl get that? afterwards you think "yeah, should have lamped him" but at the time all you can think of is the pretty girl sat right there and how you dont feel like being floored by mr twat in front of said girl

            ill edit this once sober if i rememember it's here

            edited.. but only to change typos and "cos" since that offended someone. i dont remember writing that but im quite amused by it

            You might as well stay drunk, you pussy.


            • #21
              Originally posted by seppuku
              a friend told me im the most placid guy she knows

              Maybe she meant flaccid.


              • #22
                jubaji, do you have anything constructive to say?? or you just like posting little annoying messages not worth reading???

                grow up i say..


                • #23
                  if you ignore jubabji he'll go away again, dont worry about it.

                  i dont need to be mature, im 17 years of immaturity ahead
                  the link was great pittbulldog, made me smile at least


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Gunza Kicka
                    jubaji, do you have anything constructive to say?? or you just like posting little annoying messages not worth reading???

                    grow up i say..
                    His messages are worth reading...


                    • #25
                      really swisscom?? i looked at a few, and didn't see anything.
                      can say the same about some of your posts 2..

                      does anyone agree that angry drunks who think there hot s*** and try to start stuff are d***heads? just had a run in last weekend with one..


                      • #26
                        angry drunks piss me off, so I agree with you, they are dickheads. Some of my posts may not be as constructive as they could be, but they are entertaining to read. on the other hand, psh, you're from australia, what do you know.


                        • #27
                          yeah angry drunks are tossers. blatently.
                          go for it jubaji, we both know im not one


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by seppuku
                            yeah angry drunks are tossers. blatently.
                            go for it jubaji, we both know im not one

                            .............One what?


                            • #29
                              woah. you didnt edit the quote this time. that just might be a first.

                              after all the time you spent calling me stupid im sure you were capable of realising i meant we both know im not an angry drunk


                              • #30
                                realizing* with a Z

