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  • Speedball?!

    Hey guys, i've always wonder what they are actually good for?
    Do they increase the speed of your arms? like the name suggested? or do they actually train your reflexes? i've found that my punches are more accrurate and my combos are landing better, but how did that actually happen? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but i just wanna know how it trains me so i'd know how best to use it in order to improve my training.

    My apologies once again for a noobie question.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Abe
    Hey guys, i've always wonder what they are actually good for?
    Do they increase the speed of your arms? like the name suggested? or do they actually train your reflexes? i've found that my punches are more accrurate and my combos are landing better, but how did that actually happen? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but i just wanna know how it trains me so i'd know how best to use it in order to improve my training.

    My apologies once again for a noobie question.
    Are you talking about a speed bag with a platform or a double end speed bag? The one with platform is for developing hand speed, timing, and tempo. The double end bag is more for tempo, coordination and timing. I use both and they are a great workout.
    Last edited by Hardball; 11-14-2005, 12:29 PM. Reason: Grammar and spelling


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hardball
      Are you talking about a speed bag with a platform or a double end speed bag? The one with platform is for developing hand speed, timing, and tempo. The double end bag is more for tempo, coordination and timing. I use both and they are a great workout.
      the platform one. i have no idea how to use the double end one, cuz i just end up embaressing myself with it.

      tempo? as in rhythm? so wats the basic idea while using them? hit them as fast as possible?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Abe
        the platform one. i have no idea how to use the double end one, cuz i just end up embaressing myself with it.

        tempo? as in rhythm? so wats the basic idea while using them? hit them as fast as possible?
        They call it a speed bag cause you work on speed. To work on speed you hit it as fast as possible. To work on tempo you have to count your punches for example.....count 4 lefts, then 4 rights, then 4 lefts then 4 rights, can do 2's,1's whatever. Speed bags are hard for beginners --you just gotta put your time in. Also they come in different sizes with the pro model being smaller. Also the pro model has a different swivel than the amature model. which swivel do you have?


        • #5
          If you want to really learn the speedball, I suggest "Martial Arts Training With Equipment" by Dan Inosanto. It is a great reference work, with numerous and unusual speed bag drills.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hardball
            They call it a speed bag cause you work on speed. To work on speed you hit it as fast as possible. To work on tempo you have to count your punches for example.....count 4 lefts, then 4 rights, then 4 lefts then 4 rights, can do 2's,1's whatever. Speed bags are hard for beginners --you just gotta put your time in. Also they come in different sizes with the pro model being smaller. Also the pro model has a different swivel than the amature model. which swivel do you have?
            i actually just use the one at gym, the swivel looks plastic and one-directional if that makes sense.

            i've been putting about 10 mins of each open mat session on them, getting better but still looks too slow compare to the more experienced. guess i just gotta keep pounding away.

            thanks hardball, much appreciated.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Abe
              i actually just use the one at gym, the swivel looks plastic and one-directional if that makes sense.

              i've been putting about 10 mins of each open mat session on them, getting better but still looks too slow compare to the more experienced. guess i just gotta keep pounding away.

              thanks hardball, much appreciated.
              Doesn't sound like the pro model because the pro model is metal and bounces all over the freaking place. LOL Just put your time in and keep practicing. The above book by Guru Dan might be a great investment. Anything By Guru Dan is worth looking into .

              Bowing Out

