Ill post a pic later.Ive been studying for 11 years now....i started in tkd many years ago stayed with that for like 3-4 years...moved on to karate for about a year and a half.Took up wrestling in school and joined a boxing gym.I have about 5 years wrestling with a record of 52-5 in school matchs and tournaments.Had a few amatuer boxing matchs going 5-1.. i have about 5 years boxing too.Started bjj under Matt Serra and then started to study with Rodrigo Gracie then started muay thai.I got my blue belt in jiu jitsu and my green sash in muay thai(like a bjj blue belt) and have been training bolth arts for about 2 and a half years now.I had a few months of judo classes and recently took up greco roman wrestling and sambo.I learned a few moves from catch wrestling and took up kali to round myself out more.I currently dont train anywhere but i train at SBG in NY from time to time.When i get a job i plan to train there full time and i suggest anyone in NY check it training exp i ever had
