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  • #16
    Ill post a pic later.Ive been studying for 11 years now....i started in tkd many years ago stayed with that for like 3-4 years...moved on to karate for about a year and a half.Took up wrestling in school and joined a boxing gym.I have about 5 years wrestling with a record of 52-5 in school matchs and tournaments.Had a few amatuer boxing matchs going 5-1.. i have about 5 years boxing too.Started bjj under Matt Serra and then started to study with Rodrigo Gracie then started muay thai.I got my blue belt in jiu jitsu and my green sash in muay thai(like a bjj blue belt) and have been training bolth arts for about 2 and a half years now.I had a few months of judo classes and recently took up greco roman wrestling and sambo.I learned a few moves from catch wrestling and took up kali to round myself out more.I currently dont train anywhere but i train at SBG in NY from time to time.When i get a job i plan to train there full time and i suggest anyone in NY check it training exp i ever had .


    • #17
      sweet, my thread was resurrected! But by someone with fame haha.

      Alright let's see. I'm Josh ;D.
      I've been training for almost a year (started in february), up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I train under Ajarn Mike Miles, Kru Trevor Smandych, Kru Scott Clark, and Darren Robson mostly. I haven't fought yet, but I plan to -- I'm a fan of the stylish techniques, jumping knees, spinning back kicks, flying elbows, stuff like that. I don't have a digital camera so, this picture will have to do. It's also kinda old, I think I took it about 4 months ago.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BoarSpear
        sorry just couldnt resist ....found that pic on crazyshit today...went hmmm wonder where this could go?....logged on and was fate
        lol I thought it was you.


        • #19
          Originally posted by LoneHusky
          lol I thought it was you.
          HEHEHE not by a long shot...Ive got kids older than that little gangster


          • #20
            Good stuff people... even the kids (yer all good swiss) got on with no smack talking. I could only hope to play this game long enough to have some of the credentials and experiences that many of you have.

            Thanks for all the good input everyone... I knew after about a year of lurking and reading I actually registered and post here for a reason!

            Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! And boxing day or w/e it is that you've got coming up all ya northerners!


            • #21

              I've been doing Muay Thai since 1997. I train and teach at a gym here in Ottawa. I've trained and fought in Thailand. I'm currently doing my MA in Political Economy and hope to be back in SEA next year.



              • #22
                This is a classy thread, Hope you guys don't mind if I join in.

                Retired street fighter, been in dozens and dozens of REAL street fights growing up old skool before 9mm's became popular, Black Belt Japanese Jujitsu, Offer private lessons in my basement dojo and backyard. Pic of me is recent only about a month old. I'm 48 years old going on 31.


                • #23
                  Wow, 48? That's pretty tough looking for 48. Not that I'm an expert on mens bodies or anything lol!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by OctaviousBP

                    I've been doing Muay Thai since 1997. I train and teach at a gym here in Ottawa. I've trained and fought in Thailand. I'm currently doing my MA in Political Economy and hope to be back in SEA next year.

                    People don't usually sport tape jobs like that just for kicks... have you fought many times?


                    • #25
                      Short answer: No... not really. That picture was taken from my one and only pro-fight in Thailand (which I won! By decision!). Unfortunately I broke my foot in the fight (well, actually I think I might of damaged it in training and severely messed it up during the fight) and couldn't fight the last couple months I was there. I took the time to brush up on instructional tidbits from the trainers and get more involved with Krabi Krabong.

                      I mostly teach and coach fighters now, and get a huge thrill doing it. My lack of activity is due primarily to my academic choices, and I may become semi-active again after graduation... you start to itch after awhile... I head back to Thailand in September for a year, so we'll see what happens.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by THT
                        Wow, 48? That's pretty tough looking for 48. Not that I'm an expert on mens bodies or anything lol!
                        I hope this doesn't turn out to be a double post. I'm having technical difficulties.

                        Yea, Martial Arts kept me young, especially the daily stretching. Whether you believe in Katas/Forms or not--at least learn a couple of them. They come in handy on vacations at the beach or in the mountains. They are good for general well being and a healthy mindset.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Hardball
                          I hope this doesn't turn out to be a double post. I'm having technical difficulties.

                          Yea, Martial Arts kept me young, especially the daily stretching. Whether you believe in Katas/Forms or not--at least learn a couple of them. They come in handy on vacations at the beach or in the mountains. They are good for general well being and a healthy mindset.
                          Katas on the beach. That's an awesome idea. I can see it now...

                          Me on the beach in San Diego, the sunset casting a shadow turning my movements into a graceful, yet manly, wayang kulit show... girls jaws hanging, thinking of how it would feel to press my buff well aged body against their pert breasts, their boyfriends staring in disbelieve, enraged and jealous, but too afraid of my fury and power to say a word...

                          Yes sir, I think I will learn some kata!!


                          • #28
                            Both of my Thai coaches support that notion..... well, not necessarily "kata", but shadowboxing daily, which has many of the same intents as kata. I personally prefer practicing the various Ram Muay's I know for their meditative qualities... kinda like doing a Tai Chi form. I used to know part of a Tai Chi form, but I've forgotten most of it now....


                            • #29
                              Hey Hardball where in NY are you? id love to stop by and have a convo and workout for awhile if thats ok with you?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JkD187
                                Hey Hardball where in NY are you? id love to stop by and have a convo and workout for awhile if thats ok with you?
                                For Security reasons, I don't use my real name or location on the internet. I'm gonna send you a p.m. also.

