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Off to Thailand!

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  • Off to Thailand!

    Yep, I'm heading off on Dec 28, to spend a few weeks in Thailand.
    I'll be in Bankok for a few days before heading to Lamai beach, Koh Samui.
    Training at the WMTC camp in Lamai. I spent a couple of weeks there 2 years ago and really enjoyed the experience so I'm looking forward to training there again.
    A nice beach, a few bars, good food, A MT camp, and daily massages. Aaaaaah, paradise! I cant wait!
    I'll try to do a day or 2 training while in Bankok too. Can anybody reccommend a good camp in Bankok?

  • #2
    Hope you have a good time, wish I was going instead of spending the new year at work.
    When you get back could you please tell me what the WMTC camp is like,as I am thinking of going there next year. Thank you.


    • #3
      I can't help you with Bangkok, but I think I speak for a lot of people on this forum when I say I'm so freakin' jealous!


      • #4
        Kaewsamrit gym in is Bangkok.

        They have english speaking staff and are one of the top Muay Thai camps in Thailand.

        Email Rob Cox at


        • #5
          Cheers ryukyu, it looks good.
          I'll be sure to go check it out.
          Regarding the WMTC camp. As I mentioned I spent a couple of weeks there before.
          Its a well run opperation. English speaking trainers. Clean facilities.
          But its geared towards farang.(us) So its not quite so hard core as a real Thai camp.
          But it was just right for me at my level.
          There was a wide range of abilities, from beginners to pros. You can train twice a day, but once was enough for me.
          The instruction was very good. I learned alot and got pushed pretty hard.
          If I was a serious pro though, I might look at going to a "real" Thai camp.
          (meaning where they are training mainly Thai fighters) Not so clean but a fair bit tougher.
          I'll mail again from Thailand


          • #6
            how would i go about finding about these camps in thailand?


            • #7
              A google search would do.

              BTW Drag'n are you back from your trip yet? :O


              • #8


                • #9
                  Yep I'm back.
                  I spent 2 weeks at the Lamai wmc camp. The training was really good. Lots of good fighters from around the world. Many, like me were advanced level amatures about to turn pro.But there were also a few more experienced pros too.
                  We did alot of light contact sparring. The Thais are really strict on technique.
                  There were a bunch of good trainers there giving us tips on techs while we sparred, and putting us through really good pad drills.
                  For about US$12 you could get a private lesson with a trainer of your choice. I learned so much in each session that I couldn't remember it all. I had to get my wife to video it so I could study it later.
                  The training was very aerobic. Loooong rounds of up to 15 mins. With practically no breaks.
                  My body was really sore but I was learning so much that I just kept pushing myself everyday.
                  I also spent 2 days at the Kaewsamrit gym. 1 of the trainers there speaks good English. He put me through some really good elbow drills on the pads,
                  and helped me with my footwork to get more power and balance. A really good trainer.
                  The training was pretty hard but there wasnt much sparring at all. I wouldve liked to spend more time there and sparred with some of the young Thai fighters who were just awesome. Sometimes I just wanted to stop and watch them but 1 of the trainers would yell at me to get back to the heavy bag.
                  I found the clinching throws I learned at the wmc camp really helped me when clinching with the Thai fighters at Kaewsamrit.
                  All in all an awesome trip. I improved alot in the 3 weeks there but theres still so much to practise and perfect now that I'm home.
                  Well worth it.
                  Just wish I could go spend a few months there!


                  • #10
                    Wow sounds terrific, keep up that hard training schedule brother, good luck in going pro as well. Makes me realize that I need to travel this summer to train, or maybe next X-mas break, either way it needs to happen.


                    • #11
                      Yeah man do it! Trust me you wont regret it. If you do MT then you should deffinately do a trip to Thailand. Its cheap as hell. You'll have a wild time, meet alot of cool fighters from all over the world, get the best training,and probably get laid regularly.
                      What more can a guy ask for?
                      You dont have to be a pro to go either. Heaps of begginners there too.
                      Check out the info on the website listed a few posts up. Theres heaps of info and good stories in the forums section.
                      If I was younger and single I'd go for another 6 months. Wish I had done it when I had the chance.


                      • #12
                        Drag'n, I think you can see now why the Lamai muay thai camp is my favorite camp in Thailand and I live here so have a chance to visit alot of them. Yes it's for foreigners..... but its also the ONLY camp Ive been to that focuses sooooooo much on actual fight skills. You go to another camp and its the same old lame old.... pad drills. I can do pad drills any time, I just have to walk down the street, but spar with pro and high level amateurs from around the world? The only place I got that consistently (EVERY DAY) was Lamai Muay Thai. I learned tons there, I learn very little every where else. I still remember the 20 minute stand up grappling rounds followed by a 20 minute hand sparring round followed by a 20 minute leg sparring round followed by "the gauntlet" where you spar ALL the other fighters one after another with no break. Damn that was great.

                        Next time you come to visit please call me and I'll take you out,

                        Damian Mavis
                        Honour TKD


                        • #13
                          Cheers Damian,
                          Its good to hear that from someone whos had the chance to check out alot of camps. I've heard a couple of people put down the Lamai camp but I found it really good. I'm pretty sure I'll go back again next year.
                          Yeah, those sparring marathons are a killer aren't they!


                          • #14
                            I'd love to go and train there. But its probably gonna take me a year or two at least.


                            • #15
                              I'm a female MT fighter in T.O. Can anyone tell me where to train in Thailand being a female and all. I'll there for a month. Not looking for a fight there yet but rather killer training. I've been to Lanna MT but want to try somewhere south or N/E.

