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Off to Thailand!

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  • #16
    Hey, Like I said, I live here and my favorite place was Lamai muay thai on the Island of Koh Samui. Besides having the best training experience, did I mention its on an Island? 100 meters from the ocean?! After training you just walk down and lounge or swim, and the waves can get pretty big and fun. The only draw back is it is a tourist Island.... so there will be a fair number of fat speedo wearing German dudes on the beach. The good part is they have GREAT food on this Island. If you want more info just email me, my usual email is giving me problems this week so try:

    Damian Mavis
    Honour TKD


    • #17
      Originally posted by Damian Mavis
      The only draw back is it is a tourist Island.... so there will be a fair number of fat speedo wearing German dudes on the beach.
      You're bringing back some horrible horrible memories.


      • #18
        Hi Damian,
        I'm just getting to know this sight so I'm very sorry if I missed some of your postings and ask questions that you've answered many times. How long have you been in Thailand? Just read something you wrote in 2003 about Lamai Muay Thai. Wow, been there that long? Can't wait to meet you. Training at LMT still that great? Many females? My husband and I are coming in Feb, very interseted, can't wait.



        • #19
          "Muay Thai in Thailand" (DVD) has some great information on Lanna's Camp in Chaing Mia. A link to a movie trailer is at . I saw it on a few distribution sites including and .


          • #20
            That's a sweet little trailer! That looks like the old camp, before Lanna moved to Soi Chang Kian. Andy (the guy being interviewed) is a great guy.

            There's also this video:

            I'd like to check out the Lamai camp next time I'm in the area.


            • #21
              Hi Boxher, ya they had some very tough girls there back in 2003, even the amatuer female world champ.... Im going there in February so maybe I'll meet you and your husband there!

              Damian Mavis
              Honour TKD


              • #22
                There were a number of girls at the Lamai camp in Jan. Pretty damn good too. I think 1 of them was a European champ. They were doing alot of specialised training with the owner of the camp for upcomming fights.
                Lamai is deffinately a good choice if you're going with your husband.
                That is if you can handle the sight of those fat ol Europeans with their bar whores everywhere


                • #23
                  Is there an email address for Lamai Camp?


                  • #24
                    Can I just show up or do I have to make reservations?


                    • #25

                      You can just show up. There are a million hotels right on the beach within walking distance.

                      Damian Mavis
                      Honour TKD


                      • #26
                        I'm hoping to spend about 4 months at Lamai towards the end of this year or early next year, but does anybody know when the best time to go would be? I'd like to get there around the end of the high season OR leave there just after the high season starts.


                        • #27
                          Just got booked up for Koh Samui, I'm really looking forward to it. Also im training at the WMC camp. I'm glad so many people speak so highly of this place.
                          There is a full moon party on while I am there, is it worth going to? (Im there in August which is the start of the monsoon sesson, so should I take me ironing board?)


                          • #28
                            The full moon parties were fun 10 years ago. Last one I went to was on New years 2002. Absolutely hated it. Too many tourists these days. Or maybe I'm just getting old!
                            Ironing board=body board? As in surfing?
                            Lamai is flat as a lake. I heard some guys talk about there maybe some waves in Chaweng when I was there but I didnt get the chance to check it out. I doubt it though. If there was surf, I would be moving there permanently!


                            • #29
                              lol, cheers mate, the ironing bit was a joke, but I guess I failed at that bit.


                              • #30
                                No man, possibly it depends on the time of year but maybe its some other factor, but when I went there the waves were at least 6 feet tall and strong enough to knock you off your feet if your by the shore and they spin you around under water, kinda scary actually when you lose track of which way is up to the surface.

                                Damian Mavis
                                Honour TKD

