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Are kickboxing and Muay Thai similar at all?

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  • Are kickboxing and Muay Thai similar at all?

    I'm curious if American Kickboxing and Muay Thai are really all that similar? I'm mainly asking because I recently became interested in Muay Thai, but i can't seem to find any gyms nearby, but i know of a kickboxing gym thats only about 5-10 minutes away.

    Basically, im just wondering if it would be worth it to do kickboxing for now and start taiboxing later? I just don't want to start kickboxing and find that it gets me into bad habits or anything.

    Thanks for any responses.

    Also, i live in Woburn, Massachusetts in the U.S. if anyone wants to be helpful and help me find a gym near me.

  • #2
    Please search the Kickboxing and Muaythai thread for your answer.


    • #3
      Well i was looking around and had seen a lot of threads saying that kickboxing wasnt as good as muay thai; but what i want to know is would it help me to do kickboxing since i can't do muay thai at the moment?


      • #4
        there is not an better MA there would be one that could fit you more. like and this is my opinion only. cause im like 240lbls im very over height and i train kickbox\thaibox so im like more power less move, over power low kick almoste non kicks to the head if you can adjust a technic to your body\needs it will be as powerfull as anything you could train or someone ... hope i could help and above all enjoy your self in the training if you dont enjoy that kind of MA just quit and search for one that you have pleasure doing it


        • #5
          Originally posted by odiss
          Well i was looking around and had seen a lot of threads saying that kickboxing wasnt as good as muay thai; but what i want to know is would it help me to do kickboxing since i can't do muay thai at the moment?
          Yeah it will help. I train kickboxing at the moment and plan to move on to thaiboxing later on, when my boxing is good.
          Kickboxing is more limited, so you will focus more on the boxing. But I would give you the advice that when it comes to kicks, focus your energy on the muay thai style kicks, and not the fancier stuff. Go for power.

          When you have good boxing and footwork you will have a good base for thaiboxing.
          But try to ask around about the instructor first. Ask about his boxing and his kicks, are they good or not? As a beginner you will not be able to judge this yourself. Ask experienced people from other gyms preferably, or on a forum that knows that gym.


          • #6
            Ok thanks. i looked online and found the info on the gym and instructor.

            # Started in 1985 by Denis Murphy 3rd Degree Black belt
            # 1982 Northeast PKA Heavyweight Amateur Kickboxing Champion
            # 1985 Golden Gloves Champ


            • #7
              Well his gym looks good, its has all the needed equipment and he dosen't look too bad lol. I'd say join his gym, and it says that he teaches boxing, why don't you go for that.


              • #8
                Ok thanks for all the help. I think im gonna start up in a week. One of my parents friends is a golden gloves champ and he says that the owner is a great guy and teacher, so it seems like this will work out.


                • #9
                  Seems like a nice gym. The only thing I would miss is that I didn't see any heavy bags low enough to train lowkicks on them. But it's not a big deal, as you will still learn them by training middle kicks on the bag as well as pads against partners leg.
                  But as I said, ask him about what kind of kicks he teaches, make sure he will teach you proper muay thai kicks, and not something in between karate kicks or taekwondo kicks, as kickboxing can be somewhat mixed when it comes to the kicks it seems. Also make sure you train and spar with lowkicks, otherwise he might teach you a stance that is more for fighting without lowkicks. That stance differs and is not very good if you are allowed to lowkick as well.
                  Good luck.

