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Muay Boran?

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  • Muay Boran?

    I would just like to know...WHERE THE BEJEEZUS CAN I LEARN MUAY BORAN!? I don't know if it helps, but I live in Ottawa.

  • #2
    okay go out of your house and look east, walk forward, after a bit of swimming you should reach a place called Thailand and there should be a class there.

    sorry couldnt resist


    • #3
      Yeah I guess it'd be really hard to find. If you're looking for something even more vicious than Muay Thai, look into Lethwei (Bando), the Burmese Muay Thai.

      Their matches are done without gloves. They only wrap their hands. Lethwei teaches and condones the use of headbutts too.

      I'm all for learning how to fight, but personally, I'm not interested in coming back from each lesson with a bloody nose and a broken face and arm.


      • #4
        Well that's there a place I can learn that anywhere nearby, or anywhere in Ontario at least?


        • #5
          Nope sorry. Lethwei is actually quite rare as well. I only know of this one place thirty minutes away from me in NJ.

          I don't recommend learning it though. Learning to fight is awesome but safety is also important.

          Wouldn't want your wife/gf to have to deal with a guy with a broken face, now would you?

          Muay Thai is MUCH safer.


          • #6
            I just really like how Muay Boran looks. I've seen a few videos of that school in France doing it and it really looks like a safe but vicious art, and that essentially is what I'm looking for. I just don't understand why, if it's so deadly, it isn't taught in more places. It kinda seems like people want to learn faster ways to hurt everybody haha.


            • #7
              I don't understand the necessity of "the baddest martial art". Any martial art will allow you to defend yourself should the need arise. All martial arts have their weaknesses and strengths. Some have more strengths than others. But Muay Boran is not the cure-all or magic answer. In the making of a fighter, 85% is the practitioner and the effort he puts in, 10% the instructor, and 5% the style.

              So if there isn't a Muay Boran school near you, don't stress out about it. You obviously want some hardcore, badass art. Muay Thai will suit your needs.

              As someone already mentioned, if you want Muay Boran, your best bet would be to go to Thailand. Even if someone taught Muay Boran in your area, I would question and doubt the legitimacy of the instructor.

              Muay Boran is an ancient art that eventually evolved into Muay Thai as we know it.


              • #8
                Nah I'm not looking for a "badass" martial art, I'm looking for one that is practical and deadly. Muay Boran and Lethwei seem to be just that to the umpteenth degree. I'm signing up for Muay Thai in January already, but I'd really like to find Muay Boran somewhere. I was thinking about going to Thailand to volunteer at a zoo in the fall of 2006, and if I do that I'd probably look for a Muay Boran school.


                • #9
                  Ask your muay thai school if they know someone who teaches that.


                  • #10
                    Yeah good call haha. I'll just wait it out. I was sorta hoping though that somewhere nearby tought Lethwei or Muay Boran.


                    • #11
                      You can check this dvd for a good start:

                      probably going to be hard to find an authentic teacher that will give you the real system. There are one or two in the states. Can you set up possibly a seminar to bring someone in? Might be able to help you.


                      • #12
                        I think they are rare because the gym that teaches it will certain wash down a lot of the deadly strikes or at least disallowed it during sparring. Is like having gun, what's the point of it if you are never planning to use it. Muay thai is deadly and practical enough in any sense.


                        • #13
                          Regrettably, there are no Muay Boran instructors in Ottawa. I don't believe there is much of a market for it...


                          • #14
                            Yeah you guys make good points haha. I think setting up a seminar is a good idea if enough people are down for it. I'll keep you all posted as to my progress

