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MT in Detroit

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  • MT in Detroit

    Check us out in the Detroit area on the 28th...
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    Last edited by THT; 01-08-2006, 12:39 PM. Reason: cuz I still need to relearn how to put a pic in every time I do it :)

  • #2

    Message me if you are interested in attending. I have tickets and also some spots at ring side tables for only $25/ person!


    • #3
      That looks cool. I actually might go to that. Is that you in the yellow mexican-style handwraps? Anyway...I'll see what I have goin on.


      • #4
        yep that's me. It'll be a great show. The guys across the top row are all phenomenal fighters (as evidenced by their nice shiny belts). For the rest of us it will be our first or second fight, so you have the opportunity to be there for history in the making I believe we're looking to have about eight matches and then in house sparring for exhibition. I'm excited.
        It'd be cool to meet some people from on this site in person also.
        Anyway, have a good one...


        • #5
          How was the show? Tell us about your fight!


          • #6
            Hey man sorry I took so long to get back to ya...

            The show was great!! The place was completely packed and people were loving it. Most of the fights were our guys first times, and in a couple of cases you could tell, but it was wicked entertaining. There were some great bouts with plenty of back and forth action, especially the midwest title fight (I.U.K.A. i believe). Much to my chagrin, there ended up being no one for me to fight. I had sold over $400 of tickets too. I had like 22 people who drove over an hour to see me, 12 of which droped chedar for ringside tables. I was so mad!! I came in right at 155.5 lbs ready to rock someones world and had no one. Well, there were two others at that weight, but they were the main event/title fight. Just a couple levels up from me. Everyone who came loved it though, and said they'll be at the next show regardless of whether I get to throw down or not.

            Which brings me to this: We are having another show on April 22 in Farmington Hills at a much larger venue. Those of us who were missed last time are supposed to get priority for this one so hopefully that works out. Although Senei Cooper won't let me get in with someone with like three wins on my first go.

            At least with this much notice I'll be in phenomenal shape and so set to destroy someone.

            That's the plan anyway


            • #7
              Hey, some guys from my old gym in Marquette, MI will be at the April, 22 show fighting, so I think I'll swing by and check out the fights. Do you have a bout? I'd love to see you fight! Anyway, how do I get tickets in advance? Thanks!


              • #8
                Are you still around?


                • #9
                  I'm here...

                  Hey what's going on Wolverine. I haven't been on here much lately. I wish I could say that it's because I've been training for the show, but unfortunatley that's not the case. I've had a bunch of things going on and haven't even been able to get to the gym in many weeks. I live over an hour away and way overspent on gas and such things training for the last show. I ended up getting a little loose with my budget and now have barely enough money to get to work and back each day, plus I used a lot on credit cards to train for the last show. Pretty much sucks. I'm also trying to save up to move out of state (which isn't working too well since I have no spare $). So, as much as I hate to say it, I might not even be there to watch, let alone fight.

                  Are the people from Marquette Pembles? I think that is the name. I heard of a family from Marquette a few years ago that had two good fighters and I think that was the name. Anyway, you could call 313-581-5085 for ticket info.

                  Enjoy the show...


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the info! I'm still not sure if I'll be able to make it or not......I hope so! Thanks again!
                    Oh, and the Pemble's are who I use to train with. Father Son team, great guys! At least one of them has been in my corner for every one of my fights.

