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Young Fighters

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  • #16
    I love my jab... since its got a longer reach than most people i train with
    Kicks are probably my strong point as well, although i am far from confident enough yet to throw high kicks at anything other than pads. Ill get there though.
    Oddly i dont train at all at the weekends... i spend all of my time at work jsut about, and the rest im asleep for.
    I need to talk to my trainer about what I should be doing to be good enough to fight.... he's made the offer to be training us 4 times a week if we're interested, and i think i should take him up on that.If i possibly can do.

    If you fight like nothing can hurt you i suspect you will be proved wrong. Just as a word of caution. Someones shins will be harder than yours....
    Good luck nonetheless

    Train hard


    • #17
      I am most confident with my kicks because i am accurate and I can throw them very fast with my hip put all the way into them with massive power for my age. My jab is good but when you are training with a professional fighter it needs to be great and I am so glad that I have someone like that to keep push'n me to the next level. I am training this weekend and maby on monday or Tuesday there will be some more training pictures on of me on my uncles site.


      • #18
        You sound excessively sure of yourself here. Exactly what do you think 'massive power for your age' is? Imo, if your not breaking arms through pads then 'massive power' seems excessive as a description.

        Whats the arrogance based on here? I'm far from confident with my boxing, with reason. When i spar im normally outclassed by a fair margin. I dont mind, im improving. You seem to have decided that your hitting perfection already, because you have a trainer who is currently fighting.

        No offense meant as such here, if you are genuinely amazing then its fair enough to be sure of yourself. Hard to judge online, to many people lie through their teeth for no apparent reason.



        • #19
          Hi, im new to the forums here and I just have a few questions for now. My first question is how can I better my training for all you vetrens out there.

          Im 17 years old, and live in San Diego, California. I go to... Black Tiger Thai Boxing and am trained under Chris Getz and Brodie Faber, maybe you have heard of them... I train from monday-friday from 600pm-900pm. I attended this gym when i was 14 for about 5 months, then again when I was 16 and am still going now. Soo total I have about 1 year accumilated time at the gym. I am 6'2'' 175 pounds with I think a 27'' reach.
          I usually begin my workout with 10 mintues of jumping rope. Then 3 rounds of 3 minutes of shadowboxing with 2 pound weights. Then around 4-6 rounds of light sparring with full gear ( shinpads, headgear, 16 oz gloves, mouthpiece). Then I do 3 rounds of thai pad work, and 3 rounds on the bag. Then 3 rounds on the speedbag. And I finish up at around 730-800pm. I then do grappling classes at the same gym. We start with 3 rounds of shadowboxing with the trainer yelling "SPRAWL" every 25-40 seconds id say. Then I roll and practice different submissions, and takedowns until 900pm. Its fair too say I get a good workout.
          Now, I have never had a fight before... until about a week ago, which wasnt much of a fight it was really a smokers match. My opponante didnt show for the fight, soo unfortunitly I didnt get to fight. Ive also been training with a few guys in particualr who have been doing thai boxing since they where my age, and are anywhere from 22-26. Some have fought at the proffesional level and some havnt. As far as out of the gym workouts, I sometimes go for runs...I actually binge run, where ill run for a week straight every day for about 4-6 miles a night. Then I lift weights as well occasionally, nothing crazy more reps then high weight.

          My second question is am I working too hard? Should I tone it down a bit? I dont really feel like I need too, but then again im not a pro. Any suggestions, or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


          • #20
            Originally posted by seppuku
            You sound excessively sure of yourself here. Exactly what do you think 'massive power for your age' is? Imo, if your not breaking arms through pads then 'massive power' seems excessive as a description.

            Whats the arrogance based on here? I'm far from confident with my boxing, with reason. When i spar im normally outclassed by a fair margin. I dont mind, im improving. You seem to have decided that your hitting perfection already, because you have a trainer who is currently fighting.

            No offense meant as such here, if you are genuinely amazing then its fair enough to be sure of yourself. Hard to judge online, to many people lie through their teeth for no apparent reason.

            What the hell man? I am saying that I have massive power because if I were to kick someone in the face and not holding nothing back it would either knock them out and give them a broken knose or it will not. And I am also saying that my skills are good compare to others because I have a professional fighter to train with. So calm the hell doen and don't say "No Offense" ok if thats what you were trying to say then just say it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BANG's Protégé
              What the hell man? I am saying that I have massive power because if I were to kick someone in the face and not holding nothing back it would either knock them out and give them a broken knose or it will not. And I am also saying that my skills are good compare to others because I have a professional fighter to train with. So calm the hell doen and don't say "No Offense" ok if thats what you were trying to say then just say it.
              You reckon your kicks have 'massive power' because you could break someones nose with them? Or knock them out? Youre hitting them either in the jaw or the nose with a large, sharp, solid piece of bone moving at a fair speed. We have different standards i suppose, i wouldnt have thought it takes 'massive power' to break someones nose with your shin.

              Really didnt mean any offense as such, just reminded me of what you were like previously.... with the shouting about your uncle in every single post. Sorry about that, your not being the same person here and it was unfair to react like that.
              My apologies mate.

              That aside, hello Rhanor, and welcome to the forums
              Sounds like a similar training record to mine, i think ive got about 1 1/2 years behind me, but broken up somewhat. I seem to have trouble training at christmas...
              If your training that often your doing very well. Im trying to make it to the gym twice a week and struggling with that. I cant comment on your training because im not experienced enough to offer useful advice to be honest.

              One thing i wonder at though is how youre managing to train each day one after the other? I cant run after a night at the gym, my shoulders ache, most of me aches actually, and i tend to have a variety of bruises. Hard to kick with bruised shins. Best of luck to you nonetheless. Hopefully someone more experienced witll notice this thread and help you out


              • #22
                Why in the hell do you open your mouth then say you don't mean anything? Just say what you want to say. And my kicks are powerful and speedy for my age. There is that better? Can you make sense of that?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rhanor
                  Hi, im new to the forums here and I just have a few questions for now. My first question is how can I better my training for all you vetrens out there.

                  Im 17 years old, and live in San Diego, California. I go to... Black Tiger Thai Boxing and am trained under Chris Getz and Brodie Faber, maybe you have heard of them... I train from monday-friday from 600pm-900pm. I attended this gym when i was 14 for about 5 months, then again when I was 16 and am still going now. Soo total I have about 1 year accumilated time at the gym. I am 6'2'' 175 pounds with I think a 27'' reach.
                  I usually begin my workout with 10 mintues of jumping rope. Then 3 rounds of 3 minutes of shadowboxing with 2 pound weights. Then around 4-6 rounds of light sparring with full gear ( shinpads, headgear, 16 oz gloves, mouthpiece). Then I do 3 rounds of thai pad work, and 3 rounds on the bag. Then 3 rounds on the speedbag. And I finish up at around 730-800pm. I then do grappling classes at the same gym. We start with 3 rounds of shadowboxing with the trainer yelling "SPRAWL" every 25-40 seconds id say. Then I roll and practice different submissions, and takedowns until 900pm. Its fair too say I get a good workout.
                  Now, I have never had a fight before... until about a week ago, which wasnt much of a fight it was really a smokers match. My opponante didnt show for the fight, soo unfortunitly I didnt get to fight. Ive also been training with a few guys in particualr who have been doing thai boxing since they where my age, and are anywhere from 22-26. Some have fought at the proffesional level and some havnt. As far as out of the gym workouts, I sometimes go for runs...I actually binge run, where ill run for a week straight every day for about 4-6 miles a night. Then I lift weights as well occasionally, nothing crazy more reps then high weight.

                  My second question is am I working too hard? Should I tone it down a bit? I dont really feel like I need too, but then again im not a pro. Any suggestions, or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
                  Is black tiget thai boxing close to downtown San Diego? I might go there in the summer and I want to train at something close to downtown.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by blitz
                    Is black tiget thai boxing close to downtown San Diego? I might go there in the summer and I want to train at something close to downtown.
                    Uhh Black Tiger is in Mira Mesa, its actually right next to the Mira Mar naval base if you where that is. I can give you more detailed directions if you want. But its not that close to downtown San Diego I dont think.

