Hi everybody, I was wondering what do you guys normally do when your taking muay thai lessons. Do you guys learn techniques or hit pads and maybe sparr a little in a class?? I was wondering because I've been learning muay thai but not much is going on
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Muaythai Lessons
Usually begin with a warm-up. Various stretches for 10-15 minutes.
As an additional warm-up you might skip rope for 5-10 minutes.
The more experienced guys work on shadow boxing, kicking - that is working on quick light punch, kick, knee and elbow combinations in the air while working on foot work. 5-10 minutes
The more basic fellows focus on delivering one or two techniques with proper form
Muaythai practioners work kick,punch, elbow and knee drills with weighted pads. Some of the pads are packed very densley with a textile-like material (total weight = 2-5lbs). Other pads are packed with sand (total weight ~ 15lbs).
You can work on basic combinations for setting up strikes against your opponent, to semi-sparring where the pad holder also swipes back if you drop your hands or throws a kick back at you. You can do drills that will wear you out quick, but build stamina or more techniqcal defense type drills.
The pads help develop good power and stamina. Total pad work time - 15 minutes.
If there's time left, sparring. Sparring can be done lightly to work on setting up a good technique. Other times, the contact level gets higher to test your limits.
Cool down.
Some days are all sparring. Some are more focused on clinch work.
Hope this helps.
Standard class:
Jump rope ~4 minutes
shadow box boxing one round
shadow box Thai-Boxing one round
maybe shadow box some more on something specific.
After that we'll work technique for twenty or thirty minutes - kick defenses, proper mechanics, clinch work, whatever.
Pad work is next - three or four rounds on the pads and/or heavy bags; often we tie this into whatever techniques we are thinking about that day.
Time permitting we spar toward the end. Sparring might be kickboxing rules, clinch work only, or thai-boxing rules. It is usually done with light-medium contact.
what I do for a standard workout is:
warm up
hand drills
kick drills
hand and feet combos
specialty combos
practic kata
or, when I want to work more on the mitts, the workout would look more like:
warm up
run a curcuit on:
double end bag, speed bag and coaches mitts. (run through those 3 station at least twice, giving you 3 X 6 minutes rounds)
practice kata