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  • Yeah

    I am a traditional type MT fighter, but our school has a lot of guys that are fighting in MT but employ a mix of attacks. I have been sparring pretty hard here lately and using a vast amount of different partners to try and expand a little. The guys who seem to give me the hardest time are the fast, light ones who use boxing tactics, i.e. head movement stance and mainly punch attacks. Now, I give them hell with the kicks, but keep in mind these are sparring sessions, so I cannot let go, ya dig? But, for the sake of this thread, how do you deal with this? I mean, I fight style wise kind of like Dekkers, I come foward, use angles, power to get the job done. I am light on my feet and get the kicks off fast, but I am not "dancing like a butterfly" if you know what I mean. I am interested in your opinions on dealing with these lighter, faster fighters; especially from those who have fought.

  • #2
    Best way to counter a puncher is to clinch & knee


    • #3
      Fighters come in all different shapes and sizes, styles and backgrounds. Best try different things on them. ITS sparring! Thats where you practice in case you get in the ring with someone like that.


      • #4
        Kick em in the face...

        If you can do it, do it.. unless they are pulling the punches their throwing at you.


        • #5
          sparring is a good way to improve your skills, if you feel overpowered or just uncool , feedback on your corners or your partners, your instructor should help you first , personally I feel that you should sharpen your tools and work on the skills and the drills that you don't like . sparring shoul feel good , not nice.


          • #6
            I like what Khun Kao said. Shut their distance down, clinch them and throw the knees!! Every now and then I like to trip and half hip throw as well but that's not really MT!


            • #7
              (Assuming both orthodox fighters) Use your left leg to mid level kick him when he moves in with punching. Just wait for it, and just as he throws his right hand, you kick his ribs (For this you need a decent left kick of course.). Then move in to the clinch while covering your chin and nose with with one arm across the face, while the other hand grabs around his neck and pulls him into your first knee.
              You can also try out kicking the inside of his lead leg with you left lef as he moves in, this should unbalance him.
              You could also try teeping a lot with your lead leg as he moves in.

              Basically you want to avoid the punching range with teeps and clinchwork.

              That being said, you can also see this a good opportunity to work on your boxing skills, and just box them. If they are better than you at boxing you can learn from them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gabbah View Post
                (Assuming both orthodox fighters) Use your left leg to mid level kick him when he moves in with punching. Just wait for it, and just as he throws his right hand, you kick his ribs (For this you need a decent left kick of course.). Then move in to the clinch while covering your chin and nose with with one arm across the face, while the other hand grabs around his neck and pulls him into your first knee.
                You can also try out kicking the inside of his lead leg with you left lef as he moves in, this should unbalance him.
                You could also try teeping a lot with your lead leg as he moves in.

                Basically you want to avoid the punching range with teeps and clinchwork.

                That being said, you can also see this a good opportunity to work on your boxing skills, and just box them. If they are better than you at boxing you can learn from them.
                All very good advices.


                • #9
                  Yes. The quick switch 45 degree kick with the left leg is very effective. Right in the lower ribs. Makes them think twice about coming in again. Works for me.


                  • #10
                    I would work on your boxing skills. It can only make you a better fighter. While getting in close is a good technique, sooner or later you are going to have to mix punches. I would go to a straight boxing school for a while just to learn how to really box properly. Give it 6 months and you will be a far better fighter IMO.


                    • #11
                      Good advice from Gabbah. Practice you push kicks on a swinging bag to get your timing right to catch the guy as he advances. Assuming you are both right handed kicking with you left leg into his body or onto his forearms is good. While just sparring guys will take it on the forearms and try counter you but without shin pads when you fight people arent so keen, you can hurt their arms and they become scared to punch for fear of being knocked out. Use your front leg to push kick belly or lead leg. If they get set to throw a couple punches cover up and with your instep kick away their lead leg jsut above the ankle, try to hook it back toward yourself and they will loose balance and you can counter.


                      • #12
                        If you don't want to punch it out with these guys try to keep them in the distance you prefer. (Captain Obvious to the rescue )

                        Personally I would go for the clinch(if I didn't want to fight him in the boxing range), but you could also try to keep him at distance with the lead front kick.

                        Use it like you would use the jab, to create distance when his trying to close the gab, and to set up for more power kicks and knees.

                        My 2 cents

