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Help with loosing weight quick

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  • Help with loosing weight quick

    Hey everyone, so I was 200lbs 10days ago and I dropped down to 190-192. I have been basically doing the fruit thing for now, also been running like 2miles in 19min each day, then i just jog for 10-20min. I was wondering if anyone would recommend anything for me, thanks. I'am kinda of worried about gaining muscele right now, since my goal is to drop down to 160, then i will start lifting. But right now i'am taking muy thai classes MWF for an hour.

    I'am 5'11

  • #2
    Is it bad to lift and run, should i just focus on my weigh goal i want?


    • #3
      Do cardio 5 times a week. Eat right. Workout. It takes a long time to lose weight. and dont get suckered in to weightloss pills and stuff. The whole thing is taking time and patience. Most fat people who try to lose weight give up after only losing a few pounds. Do high rep workouts to tone up your muscles. 12-15 reps for workouts.

      if you dont have weights, do this. Youll get in good shape.


      • #4
        You think fasting is a good idea for like 10days?

        Originally posted by muaythaiguy15
        Do cardio 5 times a week. Eat right. Workout. It takes a long time to lose weight. and dont get suckered in to weightloss pills and stuff. The whole thing is taking time and patience. Most fat people who try to lose weight give up after only losing a few pounds. Do high rep workouts to tone up your muscles. 12-15 reps for workouts.

        if you dont have weights, do this. Youll get in good shape.


        • #5
          My personal opinion would say no. Not for wieghtloss. If you're a buddhist who wants to go fast in the mountains for 10 days, then go ahead, but that will only shut down your metabolism, and anything you starve off will come right back.

          What you want to do is give your metabolism a good sharp kick in the pants. This means eating small meals or at least snacks every 3-4 hours, exersizing, and paying more attention to body composition (muscle to fat ratio) than to weight. MT is one of the best things you could do to get in shape in my humble and probably biased oppinion.

          So basicly, being in the gym 3 times a week and eating 4-6 times a day (nothing big, but don't starve yourself) is what I'd recomend. Don't try to take it off too fast, that's really bad for you.


          • #6
            what you recommend as running? Should i run fast or should i run jogging type for like an hour each day?

            Originally posted by Little Apple
            My personal opinion would say no. Not for wieghtloss. If you're a buddhist who wants to go fast in the mountains for 10 days, then go ahead, but that will only shut down your metabolism, and anything you starve off will come right back.

            What you want to do is give your metabolism a good sharp kick in the pants. This means eating small meals or at least snacks every 3-4 hours, exersizing, and paying more attention to body composition (muscle to fat ratio) than to weight. MT is one of the best things you could do to get in shape in my humble and probably biased oppinion.

            So basicly, being in the gym 3 times a week and eating 4-6 times a day (nothing big, but don't starve yourself) is what I'd recomend. Don't try to take it off too fast, that's really bad for you.


            • #7
              You need to learn how to count calories. You have to find what's right for you, but you need to reduce your daily caloric intake long term while increasing the number of calories you burn. For that you need aerobic exercise, in other words you need to keep your heart and breath rate elevated for long periods of time- some good ways to elevate your heart rate would include shadow boxing, heavy bag work, jumping rope, running, biking, and swimming. Also, look at what type of calories you're taking in. Contrary to popular belief carbs are good if you're working out, just don't over do it. Try to make the majority of your calories from lean protein sources. Protein is what your body needs to make muscle so if you get lots of it you can get stronger and lose weight at the same time. Simple sugars (ie. fruit) is great for giving you quick energy before a work out. Fat is a big no no.

              If you need to drop several pounds in a day or two to make weight you can wear a trash bag under a sweat suit while you work out. That will cause you to lose weight by dehydrating yourself. Doing this can be dangerous, and you will put the weight back on as soon as you drink some water, so it isn't going to do you any good long term. It is effective for losing the last several pounds the day before a match though. Be careful if you're going to do this, it's not worth hurting your health over.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                If you need to drop several pounds in a day or two to make weight you can wear a trash bag under a sweat suit while you work out.
                Can you wear a trashbag just for the hell of it?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tom Yum
                  Can you wear a trashbag just for the hell of it?
                  Personally I wouldn't recommend it, but I don't see why not. You'd have to make sure you drank a ton of water though. I used trash bags to make weight a few times when I used to wrestle, and IMHO the practice is questionable at best. Dehydration is not a good thing. It's better to maintain a healthy diet and train hard so that you're naturally at the weight you want to be. The springs and summers where I live (Ga) are hot enough that I sweat plenty when I work out anyway, so it's not something I worry about these days.


                  • #10
                    dude, start lifting with intensity and you will drop the fat and add the muscle. Who cares how much you way.

                    Trashbags, pills, enemas, laxatives only cause a reduction in weight for the short term unless you over do it and kill yourself.

                    Realize also that you can lose lots of weight by losing muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat. So if you drop all the protien out of your diet you will lose weight, but in the end you are going to end up losing muscle and do it long enough you will screw up your heart.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tom Yum
                      Can you wear a trashbag just for the hell of it?
                      I suggest over the head. And make sure to tie it real tight.



                      • #12
                        Dude, you have to specify the how/why you want to cut weight.

                        You run 2 miles in 20 minutes. That's not a good run time, but it's not indicative of some massive fat man. I'm 5 11 as well, and due to just being friggin big I could probably never go under 175 without having my ribs show.
                        Which begs the question, why the hell do you want to go down to 160?

                        As for the types of runs...depends on what you want to get out of it, and what you're training for. If you're training for a marathon, get out there and pound pavement for miles.

                        Healthy weight loss for physical events is more than just checking the scale everyday.


                        • #13
                          trash bag

                          Wasn't there something called a sauna suit? Something people could wear to loose weight without excercising? I can see a need for hydration.


                          • #14
                            Cutting weight = weight that doesent stay off! Its water weight! Only reason to cut that is if you fight or wrestle at a lower class then your "walk around" weight.

                            In order to lose weight, REAL weight. Diet, excercise. Dont look for an easy way out. If it was easy, there wouldnt be fat slobs around us.


                            • #15
                              may I humbly put in that by "diet" I think he may have meant "watch your diet" not go on attkins. I don't know if that clearification was needed, but I thought it couldn't hurt. Again: starving yourself, fasting, low/no carb, and other "loose weight fast" type things don't work and aren't good for you.

                              If you want to get in shape (anybody feel free to correct if I'm wrong):
                              1) Exersize REGULARLY (about 3 times a week in the gym could be a good min)
                              2) Eat right (4-6 small balanced meals a day)
                              3) Pay attention to your body composition, not just weight.

                              If you're afraid you're un-healthy, work on getting healthy, not small: your ideal weight may be 160, or it may be 140, or it may be 180. Get fit, the thin thing will follow.
                              Do you have any more questions Sir? Is this helping? Are you still reading this? lol.

