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striking power

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  • striking power

    How do you gain striking power ,do you just build power the more you train
    just a matter of time before you can hit hard? today it was awkward to hit pads with gloves on so i was just wondering.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mca
    How do you gain striking power ,do you just build power the more you train
    just a matter of time before you can hit hard? today it was awkward to hit pads with gloves on so i was just wondering.
    If you are hitting pads for the first time, it will seem like you cannot do a thing right. The same with sparring. I had the bag thing going for a while before I found a school, and once I started in on the pads and sparring, I was totally frustrated. On the bag, I was fast and could hit hard, but with the pads and an opponent that changed. You have to develop your timing and distance to target. And you have to remember not to push your strikes, but to snap them out with speed and precision. You will find that the KO power is a combo of timing, speed, distance, and accuracy. It will all add up and get better with practice Bro! The bag will payoff too in the long run. For me, once I have someone in the corner or against the ropes, that is when I will stand flat footed and let it all go.


    • #3
      My humble opinion: In short, yes, it will just take time. Make sure you are pivoting on your feet with your strikes (especially that hook!), a lot of power comes from your core. Remember also, Force = Mass x Acceleration. Work on both speed and power to develop strong hits. That means bag work, pad work, and push-ups!


      • #4
        very helpfull many thanks


        • #5
          Just continually improving your technique will work wonders. Itll come.
          Press ups do seem to make a difference although im not sure why. My punches started coming a lot harder when i started doing press ups. Cant explain it, but it does happen


          • #6
            pivot your hips and keep a loose fist and then tighten it when you hit whatever it is youre hitting

