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resistance training... before or after in muay thai

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  • resistance training... before or after in muay thai

    hey all

    just wanted to ask you muay thai guys when you do your resistance training in your normal class, before or after?

    by resistance training i mean push ups, dips, pull ups, squats/squat kicks, ab work etc. do you do them at the start of the session or after so you can start fresh?


  • #2
    Push ups between rounds or during depending on the activity. Throw 10 straights do 2 push ups. Pad work for a round then 20 push ups.

    I personally warm up by doing some jogging then stretch (cold stretching is bad) then a few push ups.


    • #3
      Good Question ,

      When i was in my country (middle east) my trainer used 2 make us do resistance training be4 the training , when i came to north america it changed a lot , the resistance training were made after the class .

      The resistance training after training usually you are more tired , and you make less your muscle dont allow you to do all what trainer ask for you (if u did train correctly and 100%)


      • #4
        Between rounds (after warm-ups, of course) and afterwards. Never before.


        • #5
          my standard workout is:

          warm up
          punching routine
          kicking routine
          specialty training
          resistant training


          • #6
            Originally posted by kiddbjj
            hey all

            just wanted to ask you muay thai guys when you do your resistance training in your normal class, before or after?

            by resistance training i mean push ups, dips, pull ups, squats/squat kicks, ab work etc. do you do them at the start of the session or after so you can start fresh?

            it doesnt really matter to be honest. just do em at some point. you can also break it up and do em through your entire workout in between bagwork and sparring. the point is though, whatever it is you are doing, be sure to be constantly pushing your body the entire time you are training. i usually do em after i have done tons of bagwork and sparring, because im already tired and the extra sets at the end push my body to failure.


            • #7
              at our school it's 10 pushup/situps/squats inbetween 3 min rounds of hard cardio right at the begining.

              Then 80 pushups, 40situps, 80 squats at the end. Unless our instructors feeling kinda nasty and brings in held leg raises, V-situps, etc.


              • #8
                I do my work out after I train. 10 squats 10 front kicks and keep doing it non stop for a total of 100 each and rotate every 10. Then I do 100 sit ups and 30 to 40 push ups but most of the time I can only do 30. Then sometimes my uncle drops the medcine ball on my abs 100 times with it just droping on my abs. Then I go hit the heavy bag and just practice my kicks and combos. Then later on in the day we might go joging for about 2 or 3 miles. This is just my routine but my uncle jogs a lot more then that. He jogs 5 or 7 miles quicker then I can jog 2 or 3. He truely is amazing but I dont want to talk about his workout because there is so much to say.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by >:)
                  at our school it's 10 pushup/situps/squats inbetween 3 min rounds of hard cardio right at the begining.

                  Then 80 pushups, 40situps, 80 squats at the end. Unless our instructors feeling kinda nasty and brings in held leg raises, V-situps, etc.
                  Wow you guys do a lot of push ups! But why not as many sit ups? Anyway nice workout keep it up!


                  • #10
                    I would have thought with those kind of number you would be doing around 200 sit ups, sit ups are so much easier than push ups.


                    • #11
                      Resistance training...clinchwork with an uncooperative partner.

                      seriuosly though, give this a try.

                      CrossFit offers a results-based, community-driven approach that helps you build fitness and improve your health—over your lifetime.

                      We usually do this right after training.


                      • #12
                        I also have a question ..... what about doing plyometrics and such on days you dont train, i only train 4 days a week


                        • #13
                          Plymetrics, I havn't really gotten into a big study on them. But, it looks like when you've trained for a while and getting into a more of a advanced level of training, Plymentrics will add alot to good quick movement and power strikes. At the moment , the only polymetrics I teach , is Medicien ball workouts.


                          • #14
                            so what about just working out on days you dont train ?is it just more effective to do all the push ups ect ect same time or after you train?
                            hope that makes sense ..thanks


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BANG's Protégé
                              Wow you guys do a lot of push ups! But why not as many sit ups? Anyway nice workout keep it up!

                              Ah yeah..I wrote it wrong

                              We do 40 pushups/80 situps/40 squats. Still tough tho!

