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  • Motivation

    I have been doing Muay Thai for about 6 months, but it seams like every couple of months I get busy with something and it takes me a couple of weeks to get back in the gym. Right now, I am really motivated and I do not want to loose it. I was wondering what some of the methods you guys use to keep motivated for the long run are? Thanks Q(>.

  • #2
    I dunno, you've just got to want it and think about it and make it happen. My bro always says "it's not important to work super hard everyday, but it is important to work every day." So I try to go in 7 days a week. There's always days like today though, where I've got a paper or 3 to write and I don't go in, but I still want to.

    Hmmm...paper or 3...I shouldn't be posting, I should be researching...see ya!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Little Apple
      My bro always says "it's not important to work super hard everyday, but it is important to work every day."
      Your bro is a g-damn genius.

      For most people I know, just GOING is enough to get them work hard.

      I mean yeah, there are some people who go that might as well sit on their butts and eat candy bars but most people will be motivated by the group peer pressure of people working hard around them.


      • #4
        Just remember to prioritze. Dont make a habit of ditching work and family for it. However, you should mold your schedule to do hit the gym as much as possible.


        • #5
          Everyday I simply ask myself "What have I done today to move toward my goal" As stated above it doesn't have to be super strenuous but it has to be something. A run, some bag work whatever.

          What the goal is changes from time to time but the act of setting one and moving to it I find a great motivator. Also I communicate it to my family and friends so they can, push me a little when they see me getting slack. Not in a nagging way but encouraging.

