Pretty interesting fight. The Tae Kwon Do guy is the short dude. He has some crazy kicks. But in the end, the Muay Thai guy settled in and started controlling the fight.
No announcement yet.
Tae Kwon Do vs Muay Thai
Registered User
- Aug 2005
- 307
- Woman hitting pimp gets beat down - karma baby!
Wonderful set of knockouts!
Love your BOB
If they were in the same weight class, they must have been at the extremes of it.
Can't fault the little guy on his heart and determination in round one he really takes it to the taller fighter and makes him work which is saying something when the guys is a good 3/4 inches taller than you! Technically he wasn't so great, landing his back kicks and all, but it takes a lot of balls to be in a fight like that. Also his kick to the head flooring the taller guy is just plain fun to watch.
Registered User
- Aug 2005
- 307
- Woman hitting pimp gets beat down - karma baby!
Wonderful set of knockouts!
Love your BOB
The little guy definetly has some TKD qualities in his kicking, his back kicks for example, but sometimes he seems a little MT too i.e. his stance and occaisionally he carries through with the kick MT style. Perhaps he's cross-trained.
But judging from the fact his kicking with his foot rather than his shin I would say he's more TKD than anything else.
Originally posted by Mephariel
Pretty interesting fight. The Tae Kwon Do guy is the short dude. He has some crazy kicks. But in the end, the Muay Thai guy settled in and started controlling the fight.
The second video in that series was a set up. The TKD dude throws a frikkin arm punch at the muay thai guy and he
I'd rather watch Serkhan Yilmaz fight a decision loss to Masato any day of the week. Genki Sudo KO'd the Korean Silver medalist with a spinning back fist. It wasn't total domination, but it was more interesting than these set up fights.
Originally posted by Tom YumAny TKD vs. Muaythai fight that takes place in Korea pitts their silver medalist against some guy whose practiced muay thai for about a week. Whose gonna win?
The second video in that series was a set up. The TKD dude throws a frikkin arm punch at the muay thai guy and he
I'd rather watch Serkhan Yilmaz fight a decision loss to Masato any day of the week. Genki Sudo KO'd the Korean Silver medalist with a spinning back fist. It wasn't total domination, but it was more interesting than these set up fights.
Registered User
- Aug 2005
- 307
- Woman hitting pimp gets beat down - karma baby!
Wonderful set of knockouts!
Love your BOB
The MT guy (if he was any good) should have dominated in that fight, the simple size difference giving him a huge advantage. Look at how he shrugs off the little guys' kicks to he head!