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good school training?

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  • good school training?

    i'm just wondering what's considered good training, i've trained mt at two places. when i started my current school he told me to pretty much forget everythign i learned at my last school. yet at my old school i felt i made more progress, and learned more than at my current. my current school tho has bred more than a few champs, but is seriously focused on group drilling etc. i've been told its more true muay thai training, but at my old school we did more than just group drilling we did focus mitts, pad training etc. at this school you have to pay to get pad training with the instructor, and its pretty much you come in and train on your own, when not a class kinda deal.

    advice - insight wanted

    thanx in advance - sid

  • #2
    As long as you are learning something and feeling yourself progress it is “good” training. However, I never insist for a student to forget everything they have learned. Personally I have always believed that fight is fighting regardless of the art. There are many things everyone can take from previous training and carry it over into the arts I teach.



    • #3
      Okay, what I'm gonna say might get immediately contradicted by other folks out here, it might be a very unpopular opinion, but I'm a big believer in trusting my gut.

      If you've trained for a while before (and especially if you've fought before) you have an idea of what you need to do in order to get in shape. If something doesn't feel right about your current program then you shouldn't just ignore that feeling.

      I just moved myself and for the past few months have been trying to get started in a school that's making me real uncomfortable. I like the coach, most of the other guys down there are cool, but something's just not working.

      The training's totally different from what I'm used to. Pretty early, I started hating to go down there- i would rather spend the time at the boxing gym closer to my house.

      After a few weeks of feeling less and less motivated to train (coz I was supposed to be going down there) I just decided to spend most of my time somewhere else- at the gym I wanted to go to.

      If this gym's your only option, i'd suggest really working out on your own outside of class and seeing what you can do for some extra pad work.


      • #4
        Damn, Pork Chop! I knew you were dissatisfied with that gym, but "WOW".

        I kinda follow what their philosophy is. Its a variation on the training philosophy that I've been learning from Jeff R. If you want more training, you have to pay for it. It makes perfect sense, but I can totally understand why it'd put you off.

        Does that gym offer different classes you can sign up for? For instance, at the new gym we offer 3 *different* classes (soon to be four). We have a "general" class, a "fundamentals" class, a "conditioning" class, and we will soon be adding a "Bags & Pads" class. Even though we will have a separate class for Heavy Bag & Thai Pad/Focus Mitt work, these drills are included in all of our other classes as well, its just not the MAIN FOCUS.

        I'm also sure that you have to take the comment "Forget everything you learned at your previous school" in context. I, too, find that a bit extreme, especially for someone with fighting experience (no matter how limited).

        Email me, please.


        • #5
          well, you don't ever restart and forget everything. You learn and build up your fighting stile.


          • #6
            Wow, paying extra for padwork wtf?? I thought that was an integral part of MT training. My instructor insists on teaching us how to hold them properly so we can train each other as well.

            We train on pads every class. And I hold pads for the beginners in their class too.

            I left a school 2 years ago because I was not 100% satisfied and I would suggest to anyone to do the same. Time and money should not be wasted. Take luck!

