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Mt : Height ? Does It Matter

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  • Mt : Height ? Does It Matter

    Hello , im new to this forum.. i am about to train in MT and i was wondering how the height worked if i ever wanted to step in the ring ? do you have to be a certaint height to fight ? im about 5'5 .

  • #2
    Originally posted by raerae
    Hello , im new to this forum.. i am about to train in MT and i was wondering how the height worked if i ever wanted to step in the ring ? do you have to be a certaint height to fight ? im about 5'5 .
    Oh my god. Are you serious???
    You'll be happy to know that most of the top thai boxers in Thailand are anywhere from 5'4'' to 5'7'', and weigh anywhere from 120 to 145.

    In america, it's a bit different, sure...but the weight/height ratio is a bit more important than just height. If your small, or lean for your weight, as apposed to a monsterous musle-bound 5'5'', then you'll most likely end up with people around the same height. Still, with weight classes, you're probably not going to fight anyone too much taller.

    When I had my fight, I weighed 152lbs and I was 5'7''..., my opponent was about maybe...5'11''. The strategy is a bit different fighting opponents of different heights, but it's not necessarilly a problem. Tall guys fight good on the outside with teaps and reaching leg kicks...where as smaller fighters do better clinching and fighting on the inside.


    • #3
      yeah dont worry about your height. through practice, you will learn to make your body work for you to your advantage if you know what im saying.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Garland
        Oh my god. Are you serious???
        You'll be happy to know that most of the top thai boxers in Thailand are anywhere from 5'4'' to 5'7'', and weigh anywhere from 120 to 145.

        Tall guys fight good on the outside with teaps and reaching leg kicks...where as smaller fighters do better clinching and fighting on the inside.
        I agree with the first paragraph. Nevertheless, if the lanky guy is tough as nail and strong as an ox, watch out for his clinching and knees. Smaller fighters do better with punches and elbows.


        • #5
          Thanks alot guys. its just that ive seen alot of taller guys , especially in usa its diff. like you said lol. thanks for the help guys. much appriciated !


          • #6
            train with taller guys as much as possible. learn how to fight bigger/taller people. that way if you are in a fight in real life and someone understimates you because of your size you will know how to deal with them.


            • #7
              Oh yeah deff. i had that in mind already , honestly all my life ive fought ppl bigger then me due to me being a shorter guy . i never really had to much of a problem.. only thing is MT is diff.. im fighthing guys who are trained.. ppl in the street are most of the time half ass fighters any way but yeah im deff going to take that advice and use it thanks.


              • #8
                one reason I started the sport is because of my small size. how much do you weigh.


                • #9
                  I was thinkin of takin up MT, if i could even find a gym, but i think i'm too short also, but i have a pretty strong upperobdy, so i'm probably gonna find something that focuses more on holds like BJJ probably, i can give some strong holds. My friend who's like 5" taller than me couldn't break my headlock, and i don't even know if anyone has. And when i wrestled, head and arm was my trademark pretty much, and i could have probably won most my matches with it if my coach didn't tell us to not use it too often


                  • #10
                    For some reason...the people I had the most trouble with sparring were not the tall ones, but the ones about my height, or just a little bit shorter...and skinnier. The tall guys, and even the heavier guys seemed much easier to spar with...but the little guys sent me to the bathroom to wash blood out of my nose and mouth on more than one occassion...

                    anyone had a similar experience?
                    I think it may be because I like to close the distance...???


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Garland
                      For some reason...the people I had the most trouble with sparring were not the tall ones, but the ones about my height, or just a little bit shorter...and skinnier. The tall guys, and even the heavier guys seemed much easier to spar with...but the little guys sent me to the bathroom to wash blood out of my nose and mouth on more than one occassion...

                      anyone had a similar experience?
                      I think it may be because I like to close the distance...???
                      you probably haven't gotten paired with a tall or heavy person who has any skill yet


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Heim
                        you probably haven't gotten paired with a tall or heavy person who has any skill yet
                        I dunno...I got paired with some taller guys...and heavier guys...but the smaller guys seemed to be much more agressive for some reason.

