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First fight ?

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  • First fight ?

    Hi all, I'm preparing for my first fight in muay thai, and I was wondering for those who have fought before how did you handle the nerves ? I'd like to hear some stories of everyones first thai boxing fight, whether it be handling nerves or how did you prepare mentally or physically! The routines you did or just whatever you want to share. I don't care if you won or lost I just want to know about everyones first experiences. Also maybe talk about how it was leading up to the fight, or even in the locker room warming up. Just hearing other stories will help with my nerves. I guess everyone gets the picture by now so I'll !


  • #2
    Interesting thread. I am also training for my first fight which will be in Manhattan Sep. 29th and I would like to see the replys to this as well.


    • #3

      didn't let you fight last time, eh?

      wow...I was so humble back then too!


      • #4
        I laid around a lot the day of my fight, i think i watched Anchorman actually. but once i got to the venue and got weighed in and whatnot. I listened to song calming music, and went through my training in my head. I mean, you're going into a fight, your gonna get hit, kicked, and probably kneed, no reason to be nervous cuz you know this will happen. The only thing you need to do is do those things more, quicker, and harder than your opponent.
        I basically just remembered to breath, went through all the hours of training in my head, and told myself, "Im gonna be the hell out of this guy." confidence is ok, over confidence or being scared is bad. Most of all talk to your instructor, guaranteed he will have advice for you...mine helped me a lot. What up python?


        • #5

          No actually I tore my rotator cuff and had to pull out. I'm still having problems with it but it's better than what it was. I don't think it will be 100% unless I have surgery, which is another issue all together that i'm not to fond of.



          • #6
            Originally posted by marino13

            No actually I tore my rotator cuff and had to pull out. I'm still having problems with it but it's better than what it was. I don't think it will be 100% unless I have surgery, which is another issue all together that i'm not to fond of.

            Ouchie. My first fight was cancelled due to a facial laceration...and had to be postponed about 6 sucks, being prepared for a fight, and having to drop out due to injury, and then having to go through all the roadwork and conditioning all over again.


            • #7
              my first fight was over 20 years ago, can't really say to much about that on how I prepair.

              Now days, I like to be alone, stretch, and having some metal cranked up. Get pumped and ready to knock the shit out of someone.


              • #8
                I always get scared and I know that the other guy is going to be hitting me so I just try not to think about what is going to happen and just do what you know how to do. Don't try to get fancy, just keep it simple. I am 2-0-0 and I still get scared at smokers, so you are not the only one and good luck!


                • #9
                  I used to use the same routine. Sleep well, eat a banana, go for a 15-20 walk in the morning and have a stretch and shadow box 15 mins each, get down to the weigh in and make the weight (if morning weigh in as it varies), then have a protein shake and go and have some light lunch, drink some more fluids and then go home for a nap, have a look at a couple fight dvds in the afternoon, drink some more fluids, eat about 3 hours before the fight usually chicken,vegis,rice (nothing too spicy), get to the venue, get up in the ring and become familiar with it, check out changing rooms, find a quiet place and visualise the whole fight (the annoucer calling your name, walk to ring, wai kru, mongkong off, mouth guard in and touch gloves, visualise your self throwing your different combinations, visualise yourself getting hit and coming back (because you will get hit), visualise yourself landing your favorite combinations (these are usually the one that you throw), visualse knocking him down, and visualise the end of the fight and the referee holding up your hand. Stay nice and relaxed and and go through it all in you head a couple times. Watch a couple of the earlier fights, get hands wrapped,get massage with boxing oil, listen to a few tunes, have a stretch, shadow box, hit the pads a little (dont over to it just so you feel strong and ready to go), your corner should have towel bucket ice water vasaline and your mouth guard(this is something that you shouldnt have to think about but just have a little check so nothing unplanned unsettles you), put on robe and mongkon and then go and do your thing, try relax when you first get in the ring, move around and enjoy the moment. Wai Kru and then fight.. Enjoy it, this is your chance to show everyone how much hard work you have put in. Good luck..


                  • #10
                    I'm getting nervous just visualizing it while reading this thread.

