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Hand speed

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  • Hand speed

    Hi folks, quick question, i'm working at improving hand speed but i don't and won't have a speedball bag, could anyone please tell me their methods for increasing hand speed, thanks.

  • #2
    Do you know how to throw a proper punch?

    Sorry if that seems like a silly question.


    • #3
      I only know how my instructor has taught me, i'm not gonna assume that means i DO throw proper punches, i twist my hips at the end of the punch to increase the power, that's about it, i think i throw ok punches but i could be way off.


      • #4
        Sticks = mobile speed bag


        • #5
          There are all types of punches. Your instructor is teaching you how to excuse a power punch which can be performed with a jab, cross, and hook. What you are asking for is a type of speed punch.

          It's my philosophy to teach speed before power. Starting with a jab - just extend your arm out in proper form. Don't twist your hips, bring your shoulder back or lift your heel up. Just extend your arm like your throwing a dart. Make your finger tips snap as though you were catching flies with your finger tips.

          Good luck


          • #6
            just out of curiosity, why wont you have a speed bag? i have one, and it is one of the best speed tools(in my opinion). Ive been keeping track of the time ive been usin the bag, till today, and my speed has increased greatly....later


            • #7
              parry/counter drills, sparring and shadow boxing are my recommendations.


              • #8
                How's it going, the reason that i won't have a speedball bag is because i live in a flat which makes finding a place for it a problem, i recognise its importance but feel that it's something that i'm gonna have to do without, that's why i was wandering about alternative methods.


                • #9
                  How can we be like this guy ??


                  • #10
                    Hi there, A good way of increasing hand speed is to use 1kg dumbells. Do continual fast punching for as long as you can(dont over extend). Make sure that you are pulling back enough. The work rapid circles both ways. When you get used to this your muscels will shed lactic acid quicker and have more free energy. Speed is connected to good form(technique), fitness and consevation of energy. In order to be fast you must reduce antagonistic muscel resistence and perform only what is needed. Speed of hand is linked to reaction times, get a good timer game. Performing the movement time and time again, alow the correct neuropathways to be developed and the correct amount and type of muscle fibers to be fire for the given tast. I do all my sparring with 1kg sand weights on hand a feet. This makes me far quicker when I take them off.


                    • #11
                      That guy theres hands are quick, but the reason for that is. short movement, less hip rotation an audio cue from instructor, no feedback from the opponent and no context of timing and attack. 1..2..3. the truth is the guy can move quick but the movements he is performing arnt so good. you wouldnt just stand there and watch him do that, hed get a square one in the face. Look at how many punches he throws having his head in the same position, a full contact fighter would no that that wouldnt work, unless your fighting someone with no skill.


                      • #12
                        Padwork/focus mitts...... if you have someone to hold for you.

