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No sparring first year??

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  • #31


    • #32
      an update

      hey guys. Back in early September I decided to takle up Muay thai and had to choose between twos schools. One school had students sparring from day one (no head gear and no mouthguard in my case) and the at other school (the one I eventually decided to join) the instructor is a total perfectionist and makes me do every single simple technique like 100 times until it's perfect which is good, but he also said no sparring in the first year.

      Well, a couple of weeks ago, we started these defensive drills where someone whales away on me with focus mits and I defend against them as well as kicks. Then we moved to glove drills where the other guy can throw any combination of punches and I have to defend against them and then feed the a combination to the other guy.

      Anyway, after my last class, my instructor (the same guy who said no sparring the first year) said "start shopping around for a mouthguard, headgear and a cup, in a month or two you'll need it"

      So, either I've exceded expactations immensely, or he changed his policy abruptly or the year thing was some sort of test to weed out the meatheads and brawlers.

      Either way, I'm glad I picked this school. Everone that goes there is awesome and the instructor is a fantastic teacher (but a bit of a perfectionist). I'm really enjoying this sport. And it's amazing how I am so less gassed now than I was on my first day. Huge difference.

      I appreciate everyones input


      • #33
        It does sound like the instructor was weeding out the genuine students from the meatheads and good on him. Why waste time with morons who just want to learn to fight? His perfectionism may annoy you but in the long term you'll be grateful for it. Trust me on that.

        Good on you, it's nice to hear a good story like this one. Don't forget to stick at it!!


        • #34
          no kidding! Where was this guy's gym again? And would he consider moving here?


          • #35
            Your instructor knows more about it than you do, so I would listen to what he has to say. If you dont think he knows his stuff, find a new instructor. Its that simple. However dont halfass do what he says or question what he says, because thats not fair for either one of you.


            • #36
              1 year before sparring lol

              I sparred my first kickboxing class and only had 2 or 3 kickboxing sparring sessions before fighting thankfully I had 10 mounths tkd excperience (blue belt) Still my kb trainer would have let me sparr on my first night with out any previous training probably. No sparring=NO ALIVE TRAINING i.m.h.o.
              Glad to see things are working out for you byw wtf with the sparring only/not using thai pads or other equip what's up with that?

