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I Hate Tkd Schools, all they want is $

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  • #16
    Guys, I think the point is that the gym owner wanted to FORCE him to take a beginner's TKD class supposedly to teach him "honor" and "discipline." I'm a pretty damn serious student of martial arts myself, but if an instructor came up to me with a "deal" like that, I would have said no even though I could pay $100 a month just fine.

    So you guys can say all you want about charging higher prices to get better students, but you'll lose students like me who hate that type of attitude and can see it from a mile away.


    • #17
      I used to pay 55 bucks a i pay 85..and i see guys in my gym who dont even pay a single dime.....and they've been there for 4 years... i want to complain...but that would just be rude. I asked them why they dont pay and they said "Oh..well...its because we've been here for a long time, we practically dont pay anything and its probably because we have senority" WTF?...senority?.. my fuc*in ass.....i still pay the 85 without complaining though. it just pisses me off. sometimes it just makes me wanna quit the gym that im in..and join another gym which is $90 a month.....fully equipped with arts to offer such as BJJ/Boxing/MT/Greco-freestyle wrestling and American Kickboxing....but i like staying in a gym where i've already made friends....


      • #18
        Originally posted by jaymackz View Post
        I used to pay 55 bucks a i pay 85..and i see guys in my gym who dont even pay a single dime.....and they've been there for 4 years... i want to complain...but that would just be rude. I asked them why they dont pay and they said "Oh..well...its because we've been here for a long time, we practically dont pay anything and its probably because we have senority" WTF?...senority?.. my fuc*in ass.....i still pay the 85 without complaining though. it just pisses me off. sometimes it just makes me wanna quit the gym that im in..and join another gym which is $90 a month.....fully equipped with arts to offer such as BJJ/Boxing/MT/Greco-freestyle wrestling and American Kickboxing....but i like staying in a gym where i've already made friends....
        Wtf. I'd join the other gym in a heartbeat. Get your friends to switch with you...or make new ones there.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bigred389 View Post
          Wtf. I'd join the other gym in a heartbeat. Get your friends to switch with you...or make new ones there.
          my friends are stubborn and do not want to do MMA....they're all boxers/AMERICAN kickboxer LOL.... btw the new gym that i am planning to join has No-gi BJJ/Submission Grappling / Mixed Martial Arts and the traditional Gi BJJ ! ...on the other hand they have kickboxing/MT, i'm pretty sure the kickboxing is cardio kickboxing....and i am not too sure if their Muay Thai is great.


          • #20
            I don't know about the charging more for better students thing. We've got a really nice deal going over here: My brother teaches for free out of the campus facilities. He trains the crap out of the people who want to work hard, and doesn't have to worry about catering to fussy students, because there's no overhead. I mean, we train in the basketball court and have no heavy bag, but still: 3 hours a day, 6 days a week, and the use of the college weight room for free isn't bad. People come, work hard, and the fussy people leave.


            • #21
              Originally posted by cowpaste View Post
              Guys, I think the point is that the gym owner wanted to FORCE him to take a beginner's TKD class supposedly to teach him "honor" and "discipline." I'm a pretty damn serious student of martial arts myself, but if an instructor came up to me with a "deal" like that, I would have said no even though I could pay $100 a month just fine.

              So you guys can say all you want about charging higher prices to get better students, but you'll lose students like me who hate that type of attitude and can see it from a mile away.

              It's a matter of principle, most organisations do not honor the rank you achieved with another one, so why should one be able to walk in off the street and be advanced? (Besides, I don't care how many different styles of MA you have taken, for a new one you start at the bottom. One can always advance up the ladder, much better than having to go a step back!)


              • #22
                Originally posted by cowpaste View Post
                Guys, I think the point is that the gym owner wanted to FORCE him to take a beginner's TKD class supposedly to teach him "honor" and "discipline." I'm a pretty damn serious student of martial arts myself, but if an instructor came up to me with a "deal" like that, I would have said no even though I could pay $100 a month just fine.

                So you guys can say all you want about charging higher prices to get better students, but you'll lose students like me who hate that type of attitude and can see it from a mile away.
                EXACTLY! I have absolutely no interest in TKD, why should i be forced to take their beginner class? I was even willing to pay full price, but he still wants me to take his class, for the "life skills"... I'm a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Army, what can he teach me about respect and honor that I dont already know? And I dont care what anyone says, 80$ a month for two one-hour classes is ridiculous. I just had my first session with the Muay Thai instructor Saturday and it was awesome. He apologized for the head instructor. Not everyone is trying to cash in...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kurt_myers0369 View Post
                  EXACTLY! I have absolutely no interest in TKD, why should i be forced to take their beginner class? I was even willing to pay full price, but he still wants me to take his class, for the "life skills"... I'm a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Army, what can he teach me about respect and honor that I dont already know? And I dont care what anyone says, 80$ a month for two one-hour classes is ridiculous. I just had my first session with the Muay Thai instructor Saturday and it was awesome. He apologized for the head instructor. Not everyone is trying to cash in...

                  Oh Dear, what's the Army comming to...

                  Why don't you ask him to spend a couple of nights with his wife and drive his car around? Are you shy or something?!

                  Besides you wanted to work out every weekend...your math is off.

                  You wanted to use the man's equipment, that he is holding the title fore - or the bank note. He has to buy insurance, pay taxes, mordgage, etc, not to mention mainance and equipment, and you are ticked that he wants money?!


                  • #24
                    Yeah I'd want you to go train in somebody's garage too.

                    doesn't really matter, his place his rules.

                    I usually would want somebody to enter in at the low end until I had a good idea of their capabilities then I would move them to the class I thought was best for them.

                    Of course I have blackbelts wearing white belts because they understand that we all start at the bottom in every school we start at. I've been a white belt many times.

                    It's obvious that the military has taught you a lot of respect.


                    • #25
                      he has about 40 kids in his tkd class at 80$ a month (which is for his tkd class, not muay thai)... 3200$ a month which equals about 40,400$ a year. Not to mention that his classes are in the evening. He has a daytime job w/ the city from what I understand. It does not cost that much to run his little joint. Besides, if you read carefully, I dont even take his time. He does not teach the muay thai class, its one of his instructors. On saturdays. He doesnt have tkd classes on saturdays. He is trying to make money off of us when he has absolutely no part in our training. So we go to the muay thai instructors house to train.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by kurt_myers0369 View Post
                        I actually mentioned that to the TKD instructor, I asked him if I could just pay him about 50 $ for the use of his facilities on the weekends with his Muay Thai instructor, and he VEHEMENTLY denied it. And yes, I was planning on hooking up my new instructor for his time and expertise.
                        Reading comprehension people...he was willing to pay, he just didn't want to take the fricking beginner's TKD class. And considering the way most beginner TKD classes are run, I think it's perfectly understandable that an Army NCO would not find it particularly appealing.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by kurt_myers0369 View Post
                          he has about 40 kids in his tkd class at 80$ a month (which is for his tkd class, not muay thai)... 3200$ a month which equals about 40,400$ a year. Not to mention that his classes are in the evening. He has a daytime job w/ the city from what I understand. It does not cost that much to run his little joint. Besides, if you read carefully, I dont even take his time. He does not teach the muay thai class, its one of his instructors. On saturdays. He doesnt have tkd classes on saturdays. He is trying to make money off of us when he has absolutely no part in our training. So we go to the muay thai instructors house to train.
                          damn...i hate those bastards that only do it for the $......


                          • #28
                            Thanks bigred, some people just look for an excuse to pick at you...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by kurt_myers0369 View Post
                              he has about 40 kids in his tkd class at 80$ a month (which is for his tkd class, not muay thai)... 3200$ a month which equals about 40,400$ a year. Not to mention that his classes are in the evening. He has a daytime job w/ the city from what I understand. It does not cost that much to run his little joint. Besides, if you read carefully, I dont even take his time. He does not teach the muay thai class, its one of his instructors. On saturdays. He doesnt have tkd classes on saturdays. He is trying to make money off of us when he has absolutely no part in our training. So we go to the muay thai instructors house to train.

                              It ain't your business to pry into his. His house, his rules, that's all. Army should have taught you that much!

                              And since you are at it, deduct Taxes (about 30%) mordgage/rent (about a grand per month +/- a few hundret bucks) utilities, insurance....yep, the man is getting rich of his school! Damnit, he owes you!


                              • #30
                                my minimum expenses are 6K a month, that is before I get paid, so yeah geez this guys is obviously getting rich. LOL! people are stupid sometimes.

                                But no matter what you say it doesn't matter, it's his school and if you want to use his facilities you got to play by his rules. The MT instructor probaby just pays for time to use the facility. Obviously he's not making enough to open his own school because he doesn't have one.

