I've been doing muay thai a year now and having just moved back home after school, I joined this new local gym. I've had four sessions so far and one thing that really struck me was that a majority of the people training there were wearing Thai trunks, including some very raw beginners. At my old gym, I was led to believe that you're supposed to earn your trunks. I thought there was a testing procedure in place and you got trunks when you passed. Was I misinformed? Why is everyone in that gym wearing Thai trunks? It doesn't bother me very much, to be sure. I just wonder if I got some bad info along the way.
Another thing I noticed was that this class practices some techniques that my old gym never did, like crescent kicks, or snapping kicks where the contact surface is your instep. All the kicking I did at my old gym was round kicks with the shin as the contact surface or push kicks (I don't think I've ever seen a crescent kick in a match between muay thai stylists). This too doesn't bother me. I just wonder what other gyms teach.
Another thing I noticed was that this class practices some techniques that my old gym never did, like crescent kicks, or snapping kicks where the contact surface is your instep. All the kicking I did at my old gym was round kicks with the shin as the contact surface or push kicks (I don't think I've ever seen a crescent kick in a match between muay thai stylists). This too doesn't bother me. I just wonder what other gyms teach.