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Everyone is wearing Thai trunks.

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  • #91
    Sure, my experiences were with my TBA academy, I'm sure depending on the instructor a different level of respect and humility is at each TBA school.

    Damian Mavis
    Honour TKD Thailand


    • #92
      Originally posted by Damian Mavis
      a different level of respect and humility is at each TBA school
      Or even a difference amongst individuals from a specific school...

      How are things Damian? Still in BKK?


      • #93
        Originally posted by Damian Mavis View Post
        I tested for my shorts with a TBA academy. My inside right leg was black from mid calf to mid thigh. I used the term silly to refelct how much importance those TBA members put on that test and their feelings that everyone should follow their rules.
        Damian Mavis
        Honour TKD Thailand.
        I'm just curious about the test. Does the tester show pad for you to punch, then kick you in da leg? Thai trainers do this all the time to remind you to stay guarded at all time. Or worse, to show you that they are full of weapons. But testing and bruising your leg is another thing. I think it's unfair if that is done, since the tester knows your move while you don't know his. If the tester wants to show his superiority because he is testing for his trainer permit, then I'd suggest spar testing. That is, the tester gets into situation where he allows his testee to execute weapons as required by the test, while showing his skill at keeping things under situation.
        BTW I may have misunderstood the whole thing, because I don't know anything about them.


        • #94
          Real Muay Thai is Real Muay Thai but Sabaay Sabaay.

          In America we do what ever we want, I was an American Style Champ that wore Thai Shorts in 1993 and honestly I did not have a clue about real Muay Thai. Strikes in Muay Thai are really basic but the timing/ quickness/ distance/ counters/ emotional control is the complexity in Muay Thai and honestly the only way to understand/ learn them is to train with a Thai Trainer/ Champ. Here are some cool Videos to check out!!

          Checkout VIDEO of Doc training at JAPAN Fairtex!!

          Awesome Thai KID fighters that can KNOCK you Out!!

          Here is a Basic Fairtex Hand Wrapping!!

          Tough Muay Thai KNOCKS Out Technique!!
          Muay Thai TOUGHNESSVs.TechniqueAwesome EXAMPLE & Knockout!!

          Stone HANDS Thai punching KNOCK Out!!

          “Z” Box training at Pattaya Fairtex with Choke!!


          • #95
            Hi Dave, yes each instructor is different at each academy, you are an instructor there now I think and you're a very good guy. Everythings good here, living my dream... although its not as glamorous as you'd think. Just shot a video for MTV Asia last week for a Famous Thai rap group here..... was a good experience because I was the choreographer in charge of the stunts and action (it was a video featuring a bar fight) but it's hard work sometimes and not always fun. I have a very big martial arts studio now (350 sq meters) and things are going well but it can be stressful and hard work too heh.

            Sportmuaythai, ya basically they'd nail me when I was just finishing my kick but there were plenty of times they just kicked me and I missed the timing for shield so it was my fault. I didnt mind. My holders were just pushing me, it's their role to pick me apart a bit and keep some pressure on while I try to get my kicks and knees in. At the time it seemed very intense but with my experiences in Thailand... looking back I realise it wasn't that difficult at all and I'm a little embarassed I was so nervous about it.

            Damian Mavis
            Honour TKD Thailand


            • #96
              Hey Damian,

              I'm on hiatus from the gym as I'm back in Chiang Mai for the next couple years. I was just passing through BKK yesterday and was wondering what you were up to. Next time I'm through, I'll give you a heads-up.



              • #97
                Ya man... that really sucks, you really should have emailed me. I would really like you to come visit my school and say hello. 2 years huh.... what are you going to do in ChiangMai all that time?

                Damian Mavis
                Honour TKD Thailand


                • #98
                  Hey Damian,

                  Right now I'm just boxing... I'll email you the details.


                  • #99
                    "earning your muay thai shorts" ahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah

                    that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard. Why don't you just wear karate gis and hand out belts? Good god man.


                    • Uhhmm...the only "JULES" I know is from Indiana, and a former TBA member. Maybe you didn't earn your shorts at that particular school, but those you trained with and respected at seminars DID, so what gives?


                      • Just buy a new one,I don know how the regulation is.a boy or a man would like to practice Muaythai have no to spend anything here,just invest body and mind for practicing it and buy a new trunk only lol


                        • Originally posted by Python View Post
                          Uhhmm...the only "JULES" I know is from Indiana, and a former TBA member. Maybe you didn't earn your shorts at that particular school, but those you trained with and respected at seminars DID, so what gives?
                          i am not from indiana nor am I a TBA member. I have never trained with anyone from TBA and don't even know what it is. I have however, done muay thai for 2 years and trained with different thai "ten nuhs". They never said anything about "earning shorts" this is a money grabbing move, it has nothing to do with muay thai or muay thai culture.


                          • Originally posted by jules View Post
                            2 years and trained with different thai "ten nuhs".
                            What you do with ten thai nuns?


                            • Jules, the shorts test cost me no money, maybe other schools are different but as far as I know its no cost, just a test.

                              Damian Mavis
                              Honour TKD Thailand


                              • What you do with ten thai nuns?
                                "tten nuh" is thai for coach/trainer iirc

                                Jules, the shorts test cost me no money, maybe other schools are different but as far as I know its no cost, just a test.
                                yea but let me ask you this. Do you have to buy the shorts from your instructor or can you wear any thai shorts from anywhere? Look it's not a thai tradition nor is it connected to muay thai in anyway shape or form.

