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Girls fighting full Thai rules in Thailand

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  • Girls fighting full Thai rules in Thailand

    At the moment we have three girls fighting full Thai rules regularly. They are from Spain (5 fights), Australia(4 fights) and England (20 fights). I will try post a few pictures and see what you think.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Melissa fight Jan 2007
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Melissa Kat Tim Lin Kru Yoi
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Natalie fight December
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Spain vs Thailand
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Is that Bar Beer in 039.jpg? It's too bad they don't let women fight at Kawilla.


            • #7
              On closer inspection: the tables in the background look too sturdy for Bar Beer.


              • #8
                They call it Loikor Stadium but it as you suggest a surrounded by beer bars, the other is somewhere North of Chiang Mai. Yes its a shame they cant fight at Gawilla. Melissa is champion of the Bangla stadium in Phuket 53kg and will be heading down to fight at the Fairtex promotion in Pattaya on the 26th, we also have a 78kg Thai fighting a 92kg French guy for 80 000 baht bet on the same night.


                • #9
                  I think I only went to one fight-night at Loi Kor (Loi Kroh?). Bar Beer was in a complex just off Moon Muang Road, near Tha Pae Gate.


                  • #10
                    European and Australian women are a little more venturesome than the women here. That's cool!

                    Oh yeah, Cakegirl is beautiful.

                    That is all.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post

                      That is all.

                      Bastard. Stop that.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                        European and Australian women are a little more venturesome than the women here.

                        I beg to differ. Shawn Farnsworth of Dobler's Muay Thai in Rancho Cucamonga CA fought and won Silver at the Queen's Cup in Bangkok 2 years ago. The fact that the United States is geographically and politically large makes it difficult for us to follow all the fighters and the associations they fight through. Many American women have trained and fought in Thailand. Just last month Natalie Roy from Santa Fe NM trained at SaSiPraPa. Even the 'Fight Girls' were American. Before I went to the Buddhai Swan to train I went there to film the initiation of Dan and Paula Inosanto; and believe me they trained hard. That was in 1991.


                        • #13
                          I think in the past few years as Muay Thai has grown in America more Americans are making to trip to Thailand to train and fight. We have a guy from US fighting tonight in Chiang Mai.
                          Angela Parr (formally Riviera) trained and fought a few times over here with a lot of success. She is now married to John Wayne Parr (an Aussie legend of Muay Thai) and lives in Australia. Look at for info on JWP and Angie.
                          I think Master Toddy in Vegas trains a few girls that are good and im sure he would send them to Thailand to train as well. The sport is growing everywhere, thats the good news.
                          Kat won again last night after getting rocked in the second round, came back with some strong kicks and two vicious elbows leaving the Thai girl with a couple nice eggs on her forehead.


                          • #14
                            A little historic footnote: when I was at the Buddhai Swan I went through the masses of records and paperwork that had accumulated over the years. I found hundreds of pictures of women fighting back in the 30s, 40s, 50s; some the last fight of the night at major stadiums, some on undercards up-country. Women have been fighting muay Thai, muay Kacheuk and for sure Krabi-Krabong for a long, long time. It is good that they are getting more notice now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by chalambok View Post
                              I beg to differ. Shawn Farnsworth of Dobler's Muay Thai in Rancho Cucamonga CA fought and won Silver at the Queen's Cup in Bangkok 2 years ago. The fact that the United States is geographically and politically large makes it difficult for us to follow all the fighters and the associations they fight through. Many American women have trained and fought in Thailand. Just last month Natalie Roy from Santa Fe NM trained at SaSiPraPa. Even the 'Fight Girls' were American. Before I went to the Buddhai Swan to train I went there to film the initiation of Dan and Paula Inosanto; and believe me they trained hard. That was in 1991.
                              Good points, chalambok. Thanks for shedding light on that.

