And by chambering i mean bringing your heel to your butt (maybe not that far) before blasting the opponent/pad/bag.
I've been studying alot of the great K1 highlights, and alot of those guys will chamber, especially head shots that result in KO's. My trainer/Sifu gives me the "what works for you" schpeel, but he did say when speed is of the essence, you can chamber, but that a "real" thai kick, your kick "follows the natrual curve of the leg" ....which i take to mean little to no chambering, and using the leg like a club, and letting the "step in" and the hips to all the work.
I want to hear some experiences, pro's and cons. Good? Bad? Speed VS Poerr VS bad form?
Ive searched, and read previous threads dealing with kick angles and "how to's" One guy said no snapping motion, but is chambering (pointing with the knee then blasting with the shin) the same as snapping? This is not a "how do I kick" post...its more of a "how do YOU kick (most commonly), and why?"
Thank you all.
I've been studying alot of the great K1 highlights, and alot of those guys will chamber, especially head shots that result in KO's. My trainer/Sifu gives me the "what works for you" schpeel, but he did say when speed is of the essence, you can chamber, but that a "real" thai kick, your kick "follows the natrual curve of the leg" ....which i take to mean little to no chambering, and using the leg like a club, and letting the "step in" and the hips to all the work.
I want to hear some experiences, pro's and cons. Good? Bad? Speed VS Poerr VS bad form?
Ive searched, and read previous threads dealing with kick angles and "how to's" One guy said no snapping motion, but is chambering (pointing with the knee then blasting with the shin) the same as snapping? This is not a "how do I kick" post...its more of a "how do YOU kick (most commonly), and why?"
Thank you all.