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Muay Thai Training Routine

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  • Muay Thai Training Routine

    Hey guys, check out my training vid and leave some feedback. Feedback on technique and if i should do any other exercises to compliment my muay thai. I haven't trained in 2 months and i am getting back into it so i'd thought i'd make a vid. I know i should keep my hands up higher, i need more explosiveness and i need to learn some more punching combos. Thanks

  • #2
    The main thing I saw was your chin tends to be high. Maybe tuck that down a little more.


    • #3
      i'd set up 5 ro 6 punching combinations and do sets of 20 on each combo. Drill them on a regular basses and it'll come more natural. Your technique looked pretty good, just gotta work on adding more to it.


      • #4
        You didn't show a great deal, obviously. Based on what I saw:

        1. Get your chin down (as others have stated). You look like a "Pez Dispenser", lol, especially during your Push Kicks (all 3 of them!)

        2. Your hands are too low for MuayThai. You keep using a "boxing" guard with the hands held lower. During MuayThai, you want your hands higher to protect the entire head, not just the jawline.

        3. Though the technique was good, none of your round kicks were thown above the level of your own knee.... and way too few were thrown!

        4. Speaking of knees..... ???? No knees? C'mon man! That's my absolute favorite aspect of MuayThai! You GOTTA film some knees!!!!!

        5. And obviously, getting into knee range leads to getting into elbow range. There were no elbows either.

        6. You should not use your hands to stop the heavy bag and resposition it during a drill. Control the bag by using one of your weapons, but never just reach out and grab the bag to stop its swinging. (I've done lots of pushups in my time for that transgression! LOFL!)

        7. I'm not enamored of the way you were using the double-end bag. I can see what you were doing and understand why, but its obvious that your technique is really sharp and its time for you to move on towards more advanced combination and movement drills using that equipment. The combo's were too slow, especially as you transitioned from the Jab-Cross to the Hook.

        8. Speaking of your Hook, you were "looping" it really wide. Tighten it up!

        *please take all of my statements with a grain of salt. They are based entirely upon the 4 min clip you posted. Its obvious that you have good technique, though there are a couple of areas to brush up on....


        • #5

          the video has been removed. however, based on the comments by these others, it is possible to speculate on your "apparent training needs".

          considering what is said about your stance and hand position, as well as the lack of clinch range tools, it appears you are trained as a kickboxer and not in muaythai.

          with this in mind, you have a set of decisions to make. one, do you wish to remain a kickboxer? two, do you want to make the transition to looksitmuaythai? three, do you wish to aquire new techniques? do you want to "perfect" the skills you have?

          at this point, you really need to discuss these matters with your instructor. if your instructor is legit, it should be a happy thing for them to help you with this. if you have moved beyond thier ability to help you, thank them for thier time, and move on. if they still have a lot to offer....

          DIG IN!!!

          considering each point addressed by krubrooksmiller, it is apparent that there are a couple major issues. this is actually easily remedied. lots of speed drills (timed by rounds). polished technique isn't necessarily the goal here. speed is. speed speed speed. also, combination work. learn those combinations. lots of them. start slow (speed drills are for speed). start combo drills slow, everything needs to be perfect. keep those details tight. gradually speed it up. and of course, general conditioning will help you alot. you want an "unlimited cardio" powerplant... or as close to it as you can get.

          again, these are all things to discuss with your instructor. your instructor will help you if you just bring it up. it may even give them ammo for some really good classes for everyone!!!

          kapjai krubrooksmiller!!! your points illustrated the situation perfectly. no need to even see the video.

          a good instructor sees these points and can devise a solution for all your "asswhuppin" needs!! let us know how it turns out!!


