[fill in your family name] Brothers Gym (or Muay Thai Academy or Boxing Academy, or whatever).
The important thing is that you use your name. Your family name up on that sign will focus and inspire you both to strive for excellence in every aspect of how you conduct your business.
Your own name on the sign speaks of pride and commitment and dedication to run a reputable business and school.
When you're introduced to someone and they ask, "Oh, are you involved with that gym?" Your reaction (pride, embarrassment, etc.) will be a major factor in your success.
Feel free to use this concept in your mission statement or marketing brochure.
The important thing is that you use your name. Your family name up on that sign will focus and inspire you both to strive for excellence in every aspect of how you conduct your business.
Your own name on the sign speaks of pride and commitment and dedication to run a reputable business and school.
When you're introduced to someone and they ask, "Oh, are you involved with that gym?" Your reaction (pride, embarrassment, etc.) will be a major factor in your success.
Feel free to use this concept in your mission statement or marketing brochure.