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Critique my kick please

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  • Critique my kick please

    Just a few low kicks on the bag. Was wondering if you guys could critique my round kick. Its self taught because there is no thai boxing gyms near me

    YouTube - thai kick critique

    Any help would be appreciated!

  • #2
    You need to widen your stance when going into the kick and step into it.
    You need to twist your hips before you throw the kick. Your kick is too much advertised. You also need to leave your hands out to block any incoming hands. Your not getting the full swing.

    This is the proper way.


    • #3
      I been lookin for a video like that for a while! Thanks man!
      Im gonna do another video tomorrow after trying out some of that stuff.



      • #4
        Originally posted by IHateRabbits View Post
        I been lookin for a video like that for a while!
        Here...try these...



        • #5
          These vids are great but now I'm confused. They both say to step prior to executing a thai kick. My instructor told me not to step. I watch Buakaw's technique and it appears that he does not step prior to kicking. Which technique is correct?


          • #6
            Originally posted by IHateRabbits View Post
            Just a few low kicks on the bag. Was wondering if you guys could critique my round kick. Its self taught because there is no thai boxing gyms near me
            I have to ask the question - why do you hate rabbits?


            • #7
              nah its just a thing a buddy of mines mother *edit*said to me *edit* while we were camping. When your sitting around a camp fire, and the smoke is blowing in your face, you say I Hate Rabbits 3 times, and the smoke will blow elsewhere.


              • #8
                They also say smoke follows beauty...

                In case your lady is standing there.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by IHateRabbits View Post
                  nah its just a thing a buddy of mines mother made up while we were camping.
                  I call bullshit on that. My ex used to say the exact same shit when we had bon fires. It's ancient.


                  • #10
                    Okay..let me rephrase it then.. The first time I heard it, it was out of my buddys mothers mouth..


                    • #11
                      BUt she didn't invent it.... I suppose it pays to watch what we type around here...


                      • #12
                        Youre right.. Its all fixed


                        • #13
                          Is this explanation of the thai kick correct?

                          YouTube - How To Master The Thai Kick In Detail


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Storm0266 View Post
                            Is this explanation of the thai kick correct?

                            YouTube - How To Master The Thai Kick In Detail
                            No, it is not. I'm sorry, but that is complete and utter crap. This is what happens when Kroddy pretends to master Muay Thai. Only step 1 is correct.

                            ***sorry for being harsh, but I've been drinking tonight***


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Storm0266 View Post
                              These vids are great but now I'm confused. They both say to step prior to executing a thai kick. My instructor told me not to step. I watch Buakaw's technique and it appears that he does not step prior to kicking. Which technique is correct?
                              You have to understand that there are Muay Thai roundhouse kicks, and there are Muay Thai roundhouse kicks. There are countless variations to this kick! Take into account the angle you are kicking from, the target you are kicking at, the distance you are kicking from, what goal you're trying to achieve with the kick.... As you can see, there are countless ways to throw the kick.

                              Almost unanimously, we all learn to step at 45 degrees with the kick. During the learning phase, this is essential as it is a crucial step to mastering the body mechanics of the kick. But as you advance in experience, and start fighting, you can throw effective kicks without stepping. This is often advantageous because that 45 degree step will serve to telegraph your kick to an experienced fighter.

                              However, you are learning from a coach who doesn't want you to step, so you should listen to him. All coaches train you the way that works for them. So providing your coach actually has some fight and coaching experience, then you should just trust him and learn his method.

                              There are hundreds of ways to achieve the same goals within Muay Thai.....

