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Muay Thai in Lubbock TX?

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  • Muay Thai in Lubbock TX?

    I'm moving up to Lubbock in a few months for college, and since I've been doing KSW(Kuk sool won) for a few years, I'm looking for something new. So far, everyone I've asked that's done a different art in the past has told me Muay Thai, and from what I've looked into it, I like the sound of it.

    Does anyone know of a school in Lubbock?

  • #2
    I don't think there's any real honest-to-goodness Muay Thai in Lubbock, but there are some good kickboxing instructors. Darren Walters of X-Treme Karate and Anselmo Martinez of Eagle's Nest MMA are both really good.


    • #3
      From what I know there are no [I]true[I] Muay Thai schools in Lubbock. Robert Garcia (441-2150) at Garcia's Martial Arts Academy teaches Muay Thai. Walt Bushey is also a good instructor from what I hear, he teaches at Katsujin (I think that's the name). Anselmo martinez teaches at Eagle's Nest MMA, they train out of one of the Bodyworks. United Martial Arts is a new school in town and they teach San Shou, and their facilities are great.


      • #4
        Hm . . I don't know very much about other martial arts other than what I've learned under Lary Franklin, but are there any other styles similar to MT?

        I mean, something that teaches everything MT does: kicks, punches, elbows, knees, etc? I'm looking for something that can get me very-well rounded in every aspect of unarmed, standing combat

        What I took, we only learned the basic kicks/punches, and alot of it was flashy and meant for use in light contact point sparring, wouldn't really come in handy in a real fight.

