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Sore lower back

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  • Sore lower back

    Hi there,

    I have found recently that after working out on my punchbag I have been getting a sore lower back. It feels like its quite deep inside and slightly to the left. If I was to do an isometric right stright, pushing against the wall I would feel a dull pain in this area. It also feels quite stiff the morning after.

    I also practice Judo and get a similar dull pain after a hard work out.

    I was wondering what you guys would recommend for good warmups and stretches for this part of my back. Has anyone else every experienced this kind of pain?

    I must say that it is reasonably minor, it doesnt hinder my work out or performance. It just kind of hurts after I have stopped working and the morning after.

  • #2
    Pilates workouts or dvds might help to strengthen the core. I used pilates for my bjj training and it helped my overall in boxing and muay thai as well. The pain might also be a signal of a persistent problem, you dont want to blow out your back, because it will seriously hinder your future martial arts training.

    Basic yoga stretches and a good warm up of light exercises might help but also I think its a signal that strengthening needs to be done of the abs and lower back.


    • #3
      Were you kicking your punching bag? Is the pain just 2-3 inches from center on either side just above your glutes?
      I noticed a few weeks ago in my muay thai class we kicked with the right leg quite a bit. The next day the left side of my lower back hurt. The next class we wore out the left leg kicking. The next 2 days, my lower back hurt on the right side. I figured out that this was my quadratus lumborum that was sore. This muscle is engaged heavily when standing on one leg (as in kicking).
      If this is in fact the source of your problem, this area responds well to trigger point work, electric stim, massage and acupuncture.

      Good Luck!


      • #4
        Massage Therapy for Low Back Pain


        • #5
          Your getting old, deal with it. I'm 51 this year and my back has been killing me for years.
          Take a couple Arthritis strength Acetomiphin, icey hot until it burns, and call me in the morning.
          I'll get you my Paypal address and you can send me $100 in the morning.
          Your welcome.
          Dr. Dave


          • #6
            I'm nearly 20 so I don't think the problem is age. Thanks for all your advice guys, keep it coming!

            To studiogeek: I don't think it's my Quadratus Lumborum. It's lower down and quite deep. Between the lowest part of the spine and the hip bone.

            It's such a minor stiffness and dull pain but my concern is mainly because I'm young.


            • #7
              Sore Lower Back

              I have a very similar issue. I am 40 years old and I have been struggling with sore lower back issues since I was in my early 30's. Most of, if not all, is from injuries due to poor technique weight lifting, which, I no longer believe in. I know truly believe body weight training and Kettlebells are the only way to go.

              I do not have an answer for you other than warm it (Icy Hot, heating pad, warm bath...) before working it and if it is painful then go see a medical professional before someone like me gives you the wrong advice and you spend the rest of your MA career suffering.


              • #8
                I'm 51 with past back problems. Stretching every day is the only relief. 20 minutes a day. How is your mattress? You may want to invest in a very good mattress say $1,200 minimum. Get your girl to give you a massage, rub down in tiger balm, soak in epson salt mixed with wintergreen alcohol. If that doesn't work see the doc for a muscle relaxer.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dan_The_Man View Post
                  Hi there,

                  I have found recently that after working out on my punchbag I have been getting a sore lower back. It feels like its quite deep inside and slightly to the left. If I was to do an isometric right stright, pushing against the wall I would feel a dull pain in this area. It also feels quite stiff the morning after.

                  I also practice Judo and get a similar dull pain after a hard work out.

                  I was wondering what you guys would recommend for good warmups and stretches for this part of my back. Has anyone else every experienced this kind of pain?

                  I must say that it is reasonably minor, it doesnt hinder my work out or performance. It just kind of hurts after I have stopped working and the morning after.
                  are you fat?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by scb View Post
                    are you fat?
                    No, I have a very athletic build.


                    • #11
                      You are very young to be having those problems,so I would get them checked out instead of any more guessing. It could lead to things worsening. See a chiropractor or a doctor at this point and just discuss the problem and when it flares up to see what they say as well as how to handle it. Outside of that i usually use acupuncture for my back flares up which is not that often.


                      • #12
                        LOwer back pain is common among martial artists. The reason is that the hip flexors (Iliopsoas complex) and the quadriceps become highly toned and very strong in comparison to their opposing muscle groups. The hip flexors attach directly to T12 through L5 along the vertebral column. When they tighten up they pull on the column and this causes pain due to the fact the the discs are pinched between the vertebrae and the nerves which exit can be pinched causing lower back pain and sciatica symptoms. The rectus femoris of the quads attaches to the pelvis. When it tightens, it pulls on the pelvis which pulls on the spine.

                        To relieve the pain stretch out the hip flexors and then follow by stretching ou the quads. Hold each stretch between 30 seconds to a minute and log a minimum of 2 minutes of stretch time per side. That should help relieve the pressure.


                        • #13
                          I have scoliosis, so I am prone to low back pain. For some reason, though...most of the time when I train, I don't have any problem, and it seems like jack-knife type crunches and straight legged sit-ups kill me. Crunches I can do forever...but those two things wreck the small of my back.


                          • #14
                            i had experienced this same exact problem a few years back when i was nearly 20, and what i did really worked for me so here it is. first do good mornings(keep legs straight and bend over and come back up while keeping your back straight) very light stretching for that area. make a paste with sage and rubbing alcohol put it on the area and wrap it. change the wrapping and paste often. do this for a couple of weeks and you will see a big difference.


                            • #15
                              Back pain are some what normal when exercising if you are just starting them if not maybe you are over doing, try doing some lightly and see how it works.

