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The Ultimate Art...Muay Boran.

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  • The Ultimate Art...Muay Boran.

    From what I heard Muay Boran was the combat style and Muay Thai and the sport style. What are the differences between the two and do they still teach Muay Boran. Sorta like how Jujitsu was the Fighting art and judo is the sport.

  • #2
    Muay Boran is not a combat art. It's a mix of techniques that have been taken here and there from old Thai styles (Chaiya, for instance) and put together, all the fighting principles and tactics of the old styles are absent. The understanding of Muay Boran cannot be compared to that of the older styles especially as they were taught back then.
    The sport style is a form competition and something that resembles the sport version of Karate, they call it Muay Kaad Chuek but it has nothing to do with bare knuckle.


    • #3
      The title of this thread made me laugh.

      Muay boran is just stuff sold to gulliable people these days especially foreigners. Buy your 10th khan ranking here for X amount of dollars and a fancy uniform and you too can be an expert!

      In the right hands with the right teacher it was once a really rough art, today unfortunately its hard to get at the original arts and I agree with what tee sok is saying.


      • #4
        agree with what has already been said.

        imo the thing to do is stop looking for the secret hidden "old" system that everyone thinks some mysterious monk knows and only shows the chosen few as its so deadly or something.
        muay thai is where it is at, end of, and that means you have to work those bollocks off to be a good fighter.

        tough init


        • #5
          You may be find an answer here.

          Muay Thai Classic - Moves, Muay Boran, Techniques, History, Chaiya, Korat, Tha sao, Lopburi


          • #6
            I read the site he mentions muay tha sao, is prohibited for foreigners which is ridiculous. I have footage of my teacher there for the special wai kru ceremony and doing training with two of the last grandmasters, and its extensive and long. Plus the wai kru was covered on tv, and you can plainly see him there. Whether he was the first and only foreigner I dont know but he is clearly there and it was documented.

            Alot of this stuff is outdated or old translations without updates.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ghost View Post
              agree with what has already been said.

              imo the thing to do is stop looking for the secret hidden "old" system that everyone thinks some mysterious monk knows and only shows the chosen few as its so deadly or something.
              muay thai is where it is at, end of, and that means you have to work those bollocks off to be a good fighter.

              tough init
              Somebody ought to kick Tony Jaa in the nuts for Ong Bak.


              • #8
                Originally posted by george stando View Post
                I read the site he mentions muay tha sao, is prohibited for foreigners which is ridiculous. I have footage of my teacher there for the special wai kru ceremony and doing training with two of the last grandmasters, and its extensive and long. Plus the wai kru was covered on tv, and you can plainly see him there. Whether he was the first and only foreigner I dont know but he is clearly there and it was documented.

                Alot of this stuff is outdated or old translations without updates.

                Can you please briefly explain how does Tha Sao style differs from the other old styles of Muay Thai ,from what you have seen?Curious, because I have read, this style is famous for their kicking capabilities.

                Many Thanks


                • #9
                  I cant as i am not an expert. One of my teachers did train with them and he can help you, you can PM me here for his email,etc and maybe he can help you. Also you should get on his email mailing list because its a tremendous amount of info and its real and well researched. I only posted what i know.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by george stando View Post
                    I cant as i am not an expert. One of my teachers did train with them and he can help you, you can PM me here for his email,etc and maybe he can help you. Also you should get on his email mailing list because its a tremendous amount of info and its real and well researched. I only posted what i know.
                    No problem at all ,

                    I have sent you a PM.


