yesterday me and a friend (a friend and i) went to a prodal serey gym. this was the first time other than the internet that i had seen this. it was a great experience. a little different than mt but not that much. the kru was very good and so were his students. i will be going back today to pay for my first month. from what i understand there is not much of this in america. my shins are bruised pretty good, which hasn't happened in a while. but other than that im good. thinking of joining their fight team, i will train with them for 12 hours per week and plus my off time will be spent training. i guess what im getting at here is does anyone have an idea what the average purse is for these fights in the us. i know in cambodia they dont make much at all. also i was thinking i could transition to mma after some time. i have background in many other martial arts. actually instructor licenses in 7 but i do not teach as i have said before i am interested in working on my technique at the moment and have no time for anyone elses. so what do you all think? good idea or a waste of time.
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pradal serey
Cambodian boxing is good. I trained with a few cambodians and they work hard and had good technique.
Its a good idea based on the school and the teacher being able to develop you into a good fighter and to achieve your goals. Thats all that is really important. Try it for a month and actually see if the teacher and school live up to your expectations and goals.
lidocaine is a topical cream that is an anesthetic. it is used in tatoo shops to numb the area if you are getting a piercing. what i want to know is would it be safe to put on my shins for practice and when i fight so i don't feel my shins. only until the nerves are deadend though. then i would stop using it.
Why stop at your shins? Put it on your arms, torso, and face while you're at it, then smoke some PCP and you'll be unstoppable.
Seriously, if you're considering using drugs as a shortcut after one day of training, you may have chosen the wrong sport.
My concern would be you are dulling the pain with the lidocaine but the continuous impact on the shins is going to cause more and more bruising and contusions until you cant walk.
Was the class a lot of shin on shin contact? usually for beginners there should be shinguards for practice. Or was it bruising from pad work?
I would refrain from continuous impact to the shins without recoup and rest time but thats just my opinion.
no no you guys got it all wrong. my shins are pretty well conditioned but it has been awhile since i have done any conditioning on them. so yeah they are a little sore but that is not the reason i was asking. im not in pain i was just wanting to know if this would be safe to do period. thanks for the response george i appreciate your input. and if i wanted someone to be an ass instead of helpful i would have went to bullshido canon. so please if what you have to say has nothing to do with the post or is not helpful in anyway maybe you should keep your mouth shut.
Originally posted by Cannon_6 View PostAsk a stupid question...
That being said, lidocaine completely shuts down nerve endings. Not being able to feel any pain is a really, really bad idea, no matter how temporary. Your body is telling you something is up. Listen to it.
thanks for the input everyone i have bought some thai liniment and it works really well. i spoke to some people i know and got some lidocaine and tried it just to see, yeah it is a bad idea. it gives the feeling like your leg is asleep you know like pins and needles almost. so it is not a good idea. and that is with no impact just the cream. so the thai liniment i got is from and i like it pretty well. thanks again guys.
the pradal serey classes are going great. we do alot of kicking and elbows. even did some throws that i thought were pretty good. lots of bag work. the stances and movements are real shifty and tend to trick you into getting hit. defianately something i will be sticking with for a while. i have had to post pone my trip to thailand for the time being but hopefully i will be able to visit thailand and cambodia. my kru wants to take me to cambodia to train with his kru so that should be good. he likes how i have picked it up so fast, due to my past experience in martial arts. gotta work on the cardio though i have been out of practice for about 9 months so cardio has went down a bit but im working on it.
i will keep posting here on updates of the training if you are all interested if not thats cool i wont post it. also i can try to answer any questions for you and if not i can ask one of my two kru's.