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Opinions please! Best Muay Thai Gloves!

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  • Opinions please! Best Muay Thai Gloves!

    Hey guys!

    New to the forum here, i've been training muay thai for about 4 years now and have only used Windy gloves for sparring/bag work.

    I am thinking about getting a pair of twins.

    My question to all of you is who do you think makes the best glove for muay thai?

    Twin special, windy, raja, kombat etc...

    Please post what you like and dislike about each! My main reason for wanting to switch is because I feel like the windy 16oz is a little over padded on the top of the glove. So until its fully broken in its hard to do clinch work and is some what uncomfortable at the beginning in my opinion. Of course this is normally the case with most gloves my training partner had used twins in the past and said that the glove gives you the ability to paw at punches a little better.

    On the downside the twins velcro has been known to wear quickly. My 16oz windy gloves I have had for about 4 years now and the velcro is just starting to go along with the inner seams.

    All opinions welcomed!!


  • #2
    In the camps we have alot of twins, but they use lace up. They feel I guess the velcro doesnt last and sometimes scrapes and rubs as they begin to lose grip and come apart.

    I am using a pair of raja and they are holding up well and feel good on my hand. I used to use windy almost all the time but they got hard to get and I felt the others like twins and raja progressed a bit. I thing i do is cut off the tumb attachment, I cant stand that. For the ring I understand but for training i cut it loose and i never tumbed anyone in all these years.

    I still carry my favorite glove which is reyes. They just feel perfect on my hand and i love the feel.


    • #3
      I love my Fairtex gloves the best. I also own Top Contender and Windy gloves, but my Fairtex are by far my favorite.


      • #4
        Hey george,

        I had thought about reyes but had never gotten the chance to try a pair on. How do they feel in comparison to windy? The main thing about the windy I don;t like is the over-padded feeling in the knuckles. I can really open and close my hand well..



        • #5
          Reyes is a punchers glove, so it is well contoured and very even, not overpadded in the higher area(knuckles). The difference in gloves I found is contour and construction, some gloves are more padded in the knuckle area(of course of importance what the glove is padded with: horse hair as alot of thai gloves have or foam construction, etc), and others are more evenly distributed throughout the glove. So lets say i use a 12 oz glove one might look different from the other but they are still 12 oz. They call a reyes glove a punchers glove becuase the weight is even and not overpadded on the front end of the glove. Fairtex are pretty even but i have an old pair of 12 oz and they never fit my hand right at all so I gave them to someone who loved them. Also a glove used in actual competition is different from a training glove. I like competition gloves though they tend to be in the smaller oz sizes. I like a nice fitting glove that allows me feel free and not cramped while protecting my hand. Hands down reyes blows the thai gloves out of the water but I use now a twins glove and a raja glove in training here in thailand. Raja seems to be working well after a few months and holding up well. I got velcro on those so lets see how they do in a few more months. My trainer got them cheap for me so I cant complain.

          Another thing that i like is a sort of not overly stiff glove, i think reyes came in nice form and they broke in nicely and didnt take forever. Thats why I like to cut the thumb so I can stretch and open them a bit especially with the thai gloves. I remember competiting once with everlast gloves and the damn things were so fucking stiff, we were jumping on them backstage because it was hard to open the hand to relax them, I mean when you fight you cant stay tense the whole time.

          I'd like to hear others views on this, its actually interesting. I mean we spend alot of time training in muay thai with gloves on and then competing with them. Alot of thai boxers use the old thin bag mitts to do the focus pad rounds with as well


          • #6
            I use NZ Boxer of here. they make good gloves but they're Thai pads are total shit.

            With gloves it's best to find a set that suit you personally. No doubt there are gloves that will last longer and are made better, but just get a pair that you feel comfortable in.

            While someone might say Twins or Windy make superior gloves, they might not be right for you.

            In saying all that though, when you can punch correctly the differences between gloves are a moot point.


            • #7
              I use NZ Boxer over here. They make good gloves but their Thai pads are total shit.

              With gloves it's best to find a set that suit you personally. No doubt there are gloves that will last longer and are made better, but just get a pair that you feel comfortable in.

              While someone might say Twins or Windy make superior gloves, they might not be right for you.

              In saying all that though, when you can punch correctly the differences between gloves are a moot point.

